Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 57…


We make plans about all that we want in life, but life makes its plans for us as well.

We have a good idea of the structure of how we want it to turn out, but something derails us along the way.

At times, these curve balls actually end up helping to straighten and put us on the right path.

It all depends on how we respond to the challenges and detours that we are offered.

Do we choose to see every strike and fall with a jaundiced eye?

Such an approach bodes chances that we could become embittered and probably lose sight of the little openings and apertures that these lessons offer.

We should focus on other possible alternatives that may be available to us.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

A link to my neighbours/Community · Featured Blogs · Share A Link

Another week for sharing your post links…

It’s a brand new business week.

From Mondays to Fridays, I share other bloggers post links and blog links, so this is just a gentle nudge to prod you into sending me some post links to feature.

It’s a two-way traffic of supporting each other and building a stronger blogging community 😉

So feel free to drop your LINKS IN HERE.

You are most welcome and thank you too.


Lifestyle · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 56


Planting a seed is a risk.

We are not sure that it will grow.

We are not sure that it will not be a diseased crop.

We are not sure some wild creature will not attack it when we are not looking.

Nonetheless, we have to plant those seeds that we have in our hands. Chances are, that a good number will grow and ripen for harvest.

We must take the time to till our ground, plant, and water and be patient for the God of Harvest to increase our bounty. Except we plant, he has nothing to work on.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha



Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings #55


It’s a natural tendency for us to seek the approval and support of those who we consider our friends and loved ones because no one exists in a vacuum or isolation.

It’s also normal to find that some of those around us may not buy into our dreams or be our cheerleaders. Some will outrightly express their dissension while some may not voice it, but their attitude towards you will show their contrary opinion.

The truth is that the natural inclination of most people is to seek for the difficulties and all the reasons why an aspiration won’t work, before seeking for the possibilities.

One needs to be attuned spiritually to determine whether the criticism or voice of dissension is truly born out of honest conviction and concern for your well-being or whether the naysaying is borne out of envy, automated pessimism.

There is always need to weed out the chaff and keep the wheat. It’s not every opinion that you should pay mind to.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 53


A quick question, have you ever taken time to ask yourself how much you’ve been robbed over the years, by the act of trying to fit in, trying to please and trying to be who you are not?

This isn’t a sustainable characteristic. It’s very exhausting and self-annihilating.

You can only be the best when you are yourself because being the second best you is not who you are.

A certified true copy can never be the original.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 52…

Different view

Life is a continuum and as such we are in a constant state of change.

This change should equally apply to the way that we view things.

Are we of such mindsets that are so rigid that they’re as good as being cast in stone?

How enabling has certain ways of thinking been for us?

Could a little tweak in our perspectives bring about better change and expand our horizons?

These are questions that I like to pose often.

What if?

I have found and still finding that sometimes we simply go through the same old, same old automatically that it becomes an ingrained habit.

However, we can rewire our perspectives to see just a little bit more beyond the surface and we will be better off .

©Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


A link to my neighbours/Community · Share A Link

Send In Your Post Links…

From Mondays to Fridays, I share other bloggers post links and blog links, so this is just a gentle nudge to prod you into sending me some post links to feature.

It’s a way traffic of supporting each other and building a supportive blogging community 😉

So feel free to drop your LINKS IN HERE.

Don’t be shy about it, I don’t bite😉

You are most welcome and thank you too.


Life · Midnight motivation and musings · Quotes For You

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 50…


Tomorrow is really not guaranteed any of us and that which we can do today no matter how little it is, is better done and when the following day comes, we do a bit more.

Experience has personally taught me lessons on how we rob ourselves through over-planning, procrastination and assumptions.

The future belongs only to those who live fully in their moments and take charge of each day as it comes.

We all know that the building blocks of a huge monument start with laying its base foundational stones.

So when you don’t put today’s stones in place, how exactly do you  plan to get to the tip of that pinnacle?

Like my people would say back home ‘it’s the firewood that you gather during the dry season, that you will use during the rainy season.

When you take care of today’s plans, tomorrow’s plan will take care of itself.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings // 48…


Opportunity is taking the situation that you are in and turning it around on its head to make some sense out of it. Opportunity is not going to traipse lazily and knock on your door begging you to pick it up.

Opportunity is not going to traipse lazily and knock on your door begging you to pick it up and it’s not everyone that will have a Cinderella story to tell. Some will have to work their way out of the grate of cinders with all the smoke and never a pair of dainty slippers to lose or Prince galloping to the rescue.

Some will have to work their way out of the grate of cinders with all the smoke and never a pair of dainty slippers to lose or Prince galloping to the rescue.

Adapting to the situation that life presents us is the first key to getting ahead.

Finding the positives that such a situation has to offer and tailoring it to serve some worthwhile purpose in your life is turning an ordinary occasion into a great and well-optimized opportunity.

Your story is an opportunity. Your life is an opportunity. Your art is an opportunity. Your photos are opportunities. Your speaking strength could be an opportunity. Your baking is an opportunity. Your cooking is an opportunity. Your parenting is an opportunity.

Opportunity abounds. Use them as well as you can.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 42…


It should go without saying that the voice of the giant in us should be the one that makes the most noise.

Alas, it’s hardly ever so. For the fact that the voice is not often heeded to, it lies dormant in us, while the screeching empty voice of the coward that knows all the negative, pessimistic words takes pride of place.

It does take a whole lot of paradigm shift and practice to drown the voice of ‘I can’t’ and ‘impossible’ to ‘I will and I’m possible.’

It’s equally a very liberating experience when we let go of some of our unfounded inhibitions and just spread our wings.

Even if we do take a splat in the attempt, chances are we must have gained some worthwhile experience.

When we don’t seek or venture, we shall neither find nor gain.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha