Inspiration - Motivation

Double Take…

Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream,
merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a dream.

Humming this childhood nursery rhymes made me think beyond the words of the rhyme in a way that I had never thought of.

Life is certainly a dream and your dream is what you make of it.

When you wake up to life, life will surely wake up to you.

Staring at that boat – called life, with your hands in your pocket won’t get it across the seashore; you’ve got to start to row the boat of your life diligently.

Grab your oars.


Echos Of My Neighbourhood

Sail With Me – Echoes of My Neighbourhood


My Muse chose to take me to the harbour for a quiet time on Saturday morning. With my laptop, notepad and camera, I tapped away, sipping my warm latte and enjoying the gentle breeze from the Gulf.

I am working on a story that involves a harbour scene and I needed to revitalize my mind. Thankfully, there are several harbours around here and if you want a bit of calm, it’s best to go a bit early in the day before everybody troops in.

It’s a lovely place to spend a couple of hours and there’s something about the gentle sea breeze that kindled my imagination made my words flow faster.

Pamela takes us on a scenic walk in her neighbourhood before Hurricane Matthew and I think I’m going to hold Lady Lee responsible for planting hungry ideas in my head with her sumptuous looking pot of curry. 

On Thursdays, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

The Daily Post

Water, Water Everywhere or NOT so Everywhere…

71 percent of the Earth is covered by water and every living thing thrives on water simply because WATER is LIFE.

I have seen water in many ramifications, from the abundance of the Oceans to bottled water of varieties, rainfall in the Tropics to the aridity of living in the Desert and one thing that I’ve found is that every living thing seeks out water. Unfortunately, there are places that lack this bare necessity that many take for granted, which reminds me of a well-articulated post I read earlier, written by Robert.

One of the things that I miss living in the UAE is rainfall. It’s such a rare occurrence and buying bottled water is the norm because the desert lacks a generous abundance of potable water.

Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Travel

Creek side and pit stop at Al Ghurair Mall…Echoes of my neighbourhood # 24

On Thursday’s, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

Last weekend I wanted to try out some fish recipes and decided to visit the fish market in Old Dubai instead of purchasing from the regular grocery supermarket where I shop.

It was a good excuse to drag dear Himself – who loves his good food and my squad along. I used the opportunity to while away some time at the Creekside, admiring the dinghy Dhows (local boats) and did a spot of shopping at Al Ghurair Mall.

Shopping malls and shopping centres dot this landscape like the spots on a Leopards skin and each has its own unique features as well as temptations vying to fleece the funds out of your pocket that your resolve has to be Rhinoceros thick-skinned to admire the temptations and pass on without whipping out your credit card otherwise you’ll be up to your eyeballs in debt.

The creek is situated in the heart of Dubai, flowing between Bur Dubai and Deira and this is where trade with the outside world began for the emirate more than a century ago.

A giant port has grown in the Emirates, but the importance of the Creek has not diminished, since it remains vital for regional traders, and is a vibrant reminder of Dubai’s development into a commercial hub.

These days, some of these Dhows are used by tour operators for boat cruises and it’s also a great way of seeing the city.

It was interesting to watch the men who journey for days and at times weeks offload their goods. They virtually live on these boats. A good number were found lounging lazily on their swaying boats, playing, eating and just passing the time.

We sat in our armchairs and quickly travelled through our e-apertures to visit Penrhyn castle with Lady Lee, we experienced some great Sunrise at Pamela’s Canepa, stopping over at Brigid’s Rosses was such a wonderful delight. Louise took us to SGreenwood’s Sherwood forest to meet the ghosts of Robin Hood and those handsome Knights and I got hooked.

We chilled out with Stella at the vivid rainbow panorama as we looked at random sights at Chez Sarah C of this n that.

This is total fun and you shouldn’t be left out. Do share some bits and pieces of your World with us, please. Thank  you 😉

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath

Everyday People

Water Commute…Every day beautiful people # 47

In a typical year, if your commute to work is 60 minutes to and fro, cumulatively, you would spend an average of 20.8 days or more just on commuting.


These folks commute to work each day on these open boats.

As much as I like water, I doubt if this would not frighten the jeepers out of me having to sit like this on an open boat, day in, day out and without life vests.

For me, it’s only good for a one-time adventure. Well, I guess they’ve got to do what needs to be done.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Brand me whole as only you can

That the entire score of me

Knows nothing but the fullness of you.

Animals · Humans · Life · Nature

Getting the edges aligned. ..

Today’s photo 101 prompt has been my least favourite so far. Not quite sure why, except that I really don’t like tweaking pictures around and altering them so much, so I had to really search hard for pictures.

I always prefer things looking as natural as possible, except where unavoidable, and I am glad that I didn’t have to manipulate these ones asides from giving them an edge 🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha



Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Photographs

Big Things and My Haunches…

What an interesting theme we have today for photo 101 class; ‘Big and Point of view.’

The title brings out the naughtiness in me, but I shall leave it at that 😉

There’s no problem finding big things around here. A whole lot of stuff comes in huge sizes especially the buildings, so I felt, easy-peasy, let me go and get some shots.

Where the trick lay is in the POV that asked us to crouch or lie on the ground and get some interesting angles of big things 😉

I was just a few yards short of my husband thinking that I have lost my marbles with my dodgy moves to get interesting shots and asking him to stop every few meters *he was almost at his tethers end when I felt that I had enough material, besides he had to go for important money matters 😉

I also raised a couple of Arabian eyebrows with my squatting and crouching like a Tigress about to spring a surprise 🙂

All in all, it’s been a fun assignment. I just hope we won’t have to use parachutes next.

My haunches received some good squats today 😉

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Photographs · Uncategorized

Water, Water, Everywhere…

Water. What an apt theme for today’s Photo 101 course. It’s raining quite sensibly over here, with the rumbles of thunder growling in the background and there’s something about the elements that makes me feel so alive.

My mind is lost in a maze of thoughts and feelings as I tap to the drip-drop of the rainfall and the rumbles.  It simply makes me want to chatter over a nice cup of coffee.

It reminds me of naked and carefree days as a child dancing with glee in the rain and singing ‘rain, rain, go away,’ with my siblings and the neighbours kids, to our mothers dismay when they eventually caught us.

Rainy days reminds me of early days of learning to give myself a bath as a kid and my concentration point was to scrub my tummy over and over until my mother took over the sponge and gave such a thorough scrubbing that left me squeaky clean with tingling skin.

It takes me back to years gone by, of putting plastic pails under the corrugated zinc roof,  to collect pools of water from the rain due to the epileptic service of the water taps.

The days of going up and down the slippery, clay slope that led to the village stream with swinging kegs to fetch water for my grandma’s big pitchers pass through my mind. We would wade in and splash around in the stream before finding our way home, but my dalliance with water of deep depths was rudely brought to a stop one day, when a water snake came gliding by as we frolicked.

It scared the blinking daylights out of me. Hurtling out of the stream, my wading days in untamed water was over. I DESPISE snakes!!

I do love to wallow in the pool or the jacuzzi, when I get the chance, but I keep away from the deep end.

I know my paranoia comes from an incident back in the days, of witnessing a young man disappear into the waters of Tarkwa Bay in Lagos and was never found again.

This paranoia got further cemented with the loss of my brother-in-law to the cold, watery fingers of a lake in Ontario, Canada four years ago.

Nonetheless, I made sure to teach my children to swim and we dally with water with a lot of respect. At the beach, we only pluck our butts on the sand, play and maybe allow our toes to get wet. No more, no less.

It’s needless to say that human life cannot exist without this liquid essence.

My photos come from different places, and most times I take a landscape/horizontal shots for a wider perspective.


Haiku · Photographs · Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

Together…photo challenge

In Fleets and Droves

They gathered

In their Coves

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Gathering