Life · Poetry/Poems

This is Life…

This is life,
a beautiful, dirty fighter.
filling your eyes with splendour
then punches you in the guts,
with a fist full of pain
that breaks invisible parts
you never knew you had.

This is life,
shaped like a beautiful city,
charming yet endowed with chaos
glitzy upper streets with ghettos to the side;
just when you thought things looked rosy
the stench of its rawness sucks the air out of you
leaving you gasping and watering your face.



Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Plain and Puzzling…

When I saw Ronovan’s prompt for this week’s haiku ‘plain & fast’ I didn’t know where to go with it so I left it and went to brew myself a cup of something to drink.

I don’t know if it’s the cheap cup of homemade Cappucino that I am sipping, but as I stood by the kitchen counter pondering over something that’s being going on in my life in recent days, a thought just whispered into my ear ‘life is plain and simple, but we choose to complicate it and lose finding the beauty in every situation when we are in such a hurry to get past an uncomfortable experience.’ That was my answer right there 🙂

So, thanks to the little God of Thoughts and my cup of Cappucino.

Quote, Puzzle, Beautiful Life, Every Day

In plain thoughts, life is a puzzle,
with no hard and fast rules.
Enjoy it as you fit the pieces.


Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings 58…


There are times that I have been asked how I can prove that there’s a God and I have always responded with the same quote above.

God is God all by Himself. I cannot limit him by trying to define him in the human context, neither can I constrain his Supreme presence because I seek for him to appear before me so that the doubting Thomases can believe that he exists.

I would rather believe deeply in God and live my life serving him through my fellowship with others than to spend a thousand years drifting in disbelief.

Every day, I see God. I see him in the gurgling laughter of a little child. I see him in the brilliance of the shining Sun, I see him in the birds that roam free and feed on the fat worms of the earth, I see him in the flowers that bloom in glorious colours, I see him in the love of my children and husband, I see him in everything that surrounds me.

Do you see God?

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Lifestyle · Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post



Life is not lived

On a black and white palette

For there are lots of shades

As well as tints of gray

Life is not a mad dash

Done in a big rush

For with such quick flash

You’ll combust into ash

Life is a sweet saunter with swag

Of swinging Calypso in beautiful sashes

And making bold, colourful splashes.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt Mad Libs.

I was parked behind the big bus when this prompt came in an hour ago, so we chose the word ‘Splash.’

Devotions · Family · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Success · The Daily Post · Weave that Dream

The Magic In Me…


Thanks but no thanks! I have absolutely no desire to be transformed into a mystical being.

Just a few days ago, you made me have Saintly aspirations, and I am still floating under the halo of such euphoric dream.

However, I believe in MAGIC!

I believe in the magic of a Supreme God! The Alpha and Omega.

I believe in the miracle of conception and babies!

I believe in the miracle of breathing free air that I contributed nothing to create!

I believe in miracles! They are all around us! They exist in our everyday lives when we choose to see them!

I believe in the magic of an enduring love that stands the test of time!

I believe in the power of hope! It enlarges your heart and expands your coast!

I believe in the magic of happiness, positive thinking and positive affirmations! It beautifies your life!

I believe in the power of faith and good works! It strengthens you!

I believe in kindness and caring! It has boundless rewards!

I believe in positive human values and good manners!

I believe in family: both the ones we are born into and the one we choose for ourselves!

I believe in the magic of gratitude; it increases you!

I believe in the magical strength of human resilience! Its your path to success!

I believe that dreams do come true when you believe in yourself and irrespective of your age!

I believe that life is beautiful even in its chaotic mundaneness.

I believe in the power of prayer!

I believe in myself and the magic in me 😉

NOW! That is magic!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post Do you believe in magic?

You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills?