Quotes For You

In a Nutshell…

Balance, Peace, Harmony

“The only productivity that’s worth pursuing is the kind that leads to peace, freedom, and happiness.”

Are you at peace? Are you free? Are you happy?

Health · Lifestyle

3 Aspects of Well-Being That People Dismiss – When They Shouldn’t.

Humans, as a whole, tend to be a rather skeptical species. In some ways, that’s beneficial; our ancestors who were sceptical about being able to survive a fall off a rock, for example, did humanity a huge favour.

In other ways, our skepticism can cause real and genuine harm to the way we live our lives in the modern age. We demand proof of everything, which is definitely beneficial to our survival, but also rather limits us.

One only needs to mention anything that sounds remotely “New Age-y” to a certain section of society, and they will recoil in horror, and immediately insist they would never try that. Of course, this helps to protect against true quack therapies, but it also means they cut themselves off from practices and treatments that offer a genuine benefit to their physical and mental well-being.

Below are three such options that are dismissed, even scorned, as nonsense – but that, in actuality, could greatly improve your experience of life.


Balance, Meditation, Health Wellness, Alternative Therapy


Meditation is often derided; “it’s just sitting doing nothing!” the critics will cry, insisting that any improvements are circumstantial, insisting that meditation is a waste of time and energy.

The reality is very different. We know, because it’s been tested, that meditation has a seriously positive impact on the human brain. This isn’t quackery; these conclusions have been reached via fMRI brain imaging, showing the literal physical benefits of meditation.

If you suffer from stress, anxiety, or just want a little more time to relax, then meditation is a wonderful option to pursue.


You don’t have to look too hard for counselling to be dismissed by critics. These critics argue that emotions just have to be pushed to one side, rather than wallowing in our feelings with counselling– this is the despite the fact that “pushing feelings to one side” is not considered to be effective emotional control.

Counselling has been shown, time after time, to be hugely beneficial for human mental health. It helps to ease problems, come to conclusions about your behaviour, and focus yourself on the direction you ultimately want to travel. The likes of Sunset Community Counseling can help to ensure you live the best life possible by providing the emotional outlet we all need.

Counselling is beneficial for your mental health and your emotional well-being, and the positive effects can last for years.



Acupuncture sounds like a stereotypical quack remedy, but it’s not. There is scientific support for the efficacy of acupuncture, especially when handling long-term chronic pain conditions.

If you say this to a skeptic, they will say that it’s “just a placebo”. However, isn’t an improvement — even one due to the placebo effect — still a benefit? Anything that lessens pain or eases anxiety is beneficial, surely?

Acupuncture is a useful tool that is worth considering for physical, mental, and emotional health.

In conclusion

Hopefully, the above will allow you to embrace the possibilities and give you the tools you need to enjoy your life to the fullest.

Hope · Poetry/Poems

So Whispers My Soul…

Balance, Peace, Calm, Life, Making It Work

Sometimes hurting sits like a heavy rock that sinks your spirit,

sometimes pain leaves tracks wider than a railroad,

sometimes despair runs so deep that it seems bottomless,

sometimes giving up becomes a relief that beckons so softly;


Those times when life has become such trying tedium,

that getting through each day seems an untold hardship,

I hate to offer platitudes that this too shall pass,

but my soul whisper to yours, don’t you ever give up!


Words I share with you, I share with myself,

the encouragement that I give you, I give to myself,

for I’ve found that whoever we are and wherever we are from,

we are all the same balancing our struggles on this journey called life.



Don’t give up on today, you have no idea what tomorrow has to offer. Just wait and see 




Philosophy of Life · Poetry/Poems

Get OUT of My Bed! You’re Such A Poor Lover!

Poetry, Depression, Peace, Harmony, Life, Balance


Depression wants to sleep with me tonight
but I ain’t having none of that!

I told him that I don’t cheat on Peace
‘cos he brings me Joy, Harmony, Balance
and lots of untold goodies.

I told him that he’s such a poor lover
who leaves me all wound up,
empty and downcast.

That our tumultuous relationship
has me faking orgasmic satisfaction
and that has simply been a lie.

I kicked him out into the cold night
and wedged the door tight with a chair under the lock.

He sulked and begged and cajoled to be let back in
he even promised to be more gentle in his loving
but I ain’t having none of that.

I have listened to his sleek lies in the past
when he used me and put up his feet by the fireplace
having a good smoke while I cried my eye’s raw and my heart bled.

I told him that he’s a Baboon
and he’s not going to get more handsome soon.

His spots are embedded in his thick skin and
can’t be washed off with soap.

I quickly called Peace on speed dial though it was late,
even the birds had gone to roost
but I had to so as not to cave into Depressions whiny voice.

Knowing Peace, he’s such a good guy
he answered once he saw my repeated calls.

He called his companions
Joy, Harmony, Love, Hope, Faith, Music, Laughter…
and they all came along.

They played and danced in my living room all night long whilst
I had a goodnight’s rest in the desired arms of Peace.

©  Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

My Thinking Corner

Tuesdays Trickles – My thinking corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple. You can check this link for more details.


♦  Your creativity can be a catalyst to your happiness, don’t undermine it.

♦  Be your own best friend and encourage yourself even when no one else is doing so, because most times everyone else is trying to get a grip on their lives.

The satisfaction that you derive from doing those things that you are passionate about is priceless. It increases your sense of well-being, self-worth, and inner peace. Sometimes, in pursuance of our creative passion, we may not be opportune to have cheerleaders and we must then be our own cheerleaders and encourage ourselves even when we are feeling low in spirit and think we are unable to carry on. The tide always ebbs and flows and the low feeling passes soon enough with self-driving encouragement.

Find more snippets of wisdom from awesome bloggers below and do take a moment to read.

Words of wisdom: are your words measured? Is your communication clear and unambiguous? This brief and dramatic dialogue said enough.

Equilibrium in life: these words speak to everyone of us. Honest, short and true wisdom.

Today’s nuggets: oodles of lovely nuggets of wisdom tucked in here. Indeed, as a man thinks…

Magical layers of flowers and five quotes for your creative soul: Petra’s words tells us to take away your protective layers and open your heart to reveal your beautiful soul… and it’s until you remove all those layers that you find you.

I hope that you find these little drops useful now and again and it would be lovely if you can share your thoughts with us.

Thanks and blessed be.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Wonderful, evocative poetry by a talented writer. Left me hungry for more. Jacqueline can write! Linda Bethea

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉


Balance in the midst of chaos – my thoughts and thanks.

Do I have all the answers? No, I don’t and I guess no one else does. Each week we wake up to stuff that sends us on a tailspin of holding our breaths, pensive thoughts etc, but I’ve learnt and learning each day to hold on to the still peace within me even when the sails of my ship are battered in the wind and my candid advice to anyone would be to hold on to their sanity in the midst of chaos and be thankful for life.Harmony, Relax, Rock, Moqui, Stone

I woke up yesterday with a hot, scratchy throat, heavy head and stuffy nose and I knew that finally the cold that I had tried to outrun had caught up with me. I went in briefly to work, did two miserly posts for my blog and shut down all gadgets to take a long nap and I woke up later still croaky and groggy but thankful for the rest.

It’s been some tedious weeks of school activities, work, writing a book, blogging, networking and living life in a hyper-stressful World. However, I realize that fretting over these things serves no purpose other than to make one feel more stressed about them so I always try to break my thoughts and to-do’s into bits and pieces to get them balanced and done. I achieve far more when I do that and I’m also able to eliminate chaff that doesn’t fit in anywhere.

The hours spent yesterday shutting off all negative noise from TV and internet allowed my brain to rest and wake up rejuvenated. I am totally thankful that the kids will vacate tomorrow for 2 solid months of Summer holidays…bliss 🙂

I may not have all the answers to today’s troubles in our present World, but I have my thanks and gratitude to a simple life and a loving family.

Be thankful


P.S: You can join our online party this weekend. It’s always a good time 🙂

InLinkz Bernadette is running a 52 week of thankfulness challenge and you might want to join in.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

‘A Richly Layered and Passionate Read.’ Jan Cliff

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works, you can fuel my creativity with a cup of coffee or a slice of cake😉