Gratitude · Musings

21 Things

A warm welcome to the new year. It is a great relief to step into a new calendar year albeit a continuation of the previous 365 days. It is amazing what the thought of a new year does to the mind. The elation and relief, the sense of new hope, new beginning, new expectations, new challenges…. the festive sense of new.

I look back at the truly difficult months of 2020 and my spirit knows the untold sense of joy and relief and the lessened burden of trepidation that hung over my mien all this time. I make concerted effort to shake it off and to keep forging ahead and the only way to do so is to stay thankful and grateful for the much that I have and for who I am. Gratitude is my new currency because gratitude is the seed of abundance.

I am deeply grateful for life and time

For my sound mind and body

I am thankful for my loved one’s

For wonderful and supportive friends

For a new dawn today, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets

For favour and not famine

For gratitude and no grumbling

For hope for a better tomorrow for humanity

For bigger dreams and new beginnings

For small achievements

For the beautiful buds and cool weather of this Winter season in UAE

For my awesome colleagues

For having a job that I enjoy

For unbridled laughter

For safety and security

For expanded horizons

For the opportunity to teach

For the ability to pause, refresh and restart

For music and the fresh song in my spirit

For beautiful, heart-tugging memories

For finding joy and contentment in small things

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 6

Each day, I’ll choose to believe in myself and to give myself all the chances that I need even if I have to press the reset button 99.9 times. I believe in abundance and not in scarcity. Jacqueline

Abundance mentality

#Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #Believe

Excellent Quote From Yesterday:

 “The Lord Will Fight for You. You need only Be Still.” – Exodus 14:14

At Times we want the world to move according to our schedule, our wants and needs, our whims. But when we try to solve problems without prayer and Gods Guidance, our burdens are too much. While others break without God’s strength, we stay standing, God is our Rock, and the one who will fight for us, even though this means we must relinquish control. For any human who prays and asks for Gods guidance, you can be sure God’s Support will provide relief. His answers are unexpected and sometimes, an outright ‘no.’ But often when we don’t receive everything we desire at present it’s to receive greater things ahead of us! Things that lack the suffering of our old desires.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

My Thinking Corner

My Thinking Corner – Value


The value that you place on yourself is the value others will place on you.

If you believe that you are not enough and fail to accept yourself, it shouldn’t surprise you when others view you the same way.

Be kind to yourself and break the self-recriminations. Self-love is not selfish. For love is born out of the abundance of who you are as a person (not your finances).

It’s only when your cup of love is full that it would overflow to others.  If you are unable to love yourself in abundance, how much love do you think you would be able to extend to others? Give it a thought.

Lady Cee shares a well thought out post on Knowledge + Application = Wisdom. You need to read this.

Be part of the Thinking Corner, share your positive, self-help tips and development thoughts.


Memes · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 68…

Loving Yourself

Everyone deserves to love and be loved and true love first starts with you.

Loving yourself and accepting that you are whole and worth it, is not being self-centered.

You should know that you are enough without expecting someone else to complete you. It’s a fallacy to anticipate that. No one can complete another.

They can only complement what you already have, thus when you feel inadequate, your sense of inadequacy emanates from within and this is not something that someone else can fix.

What happens when they are no longer there or when they fail to fulfil all your expectations?

How long will someone else have to patch you up?

When will you realise that you are worth loving you for you?

If you are unable to love yourself for your own sake and treat yourself appropriately, then it will be  difficult to cascade a non-existent blessing to someone else, for it’s really out of what you’ve got that you can give others.

God’s love is free and without encumbrances.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Five Sentence Inspiration · Lifestyle · My Thinking Corner · Quotes For You · Success

Tuesdays Trickles 6…My Thinking Corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Each Tuesday, share your very short snippets of positive, inspiring, motivating, health, spiritual, writing advice, clips, posts etc, that can serve as a prop to motivate others and simply add my link to your post.

I call it my thinking corner because, I actually take out a bit of time just to think through things, encapsulate my thoughts as much as possible and detoxify my mind.

It might work for you in a different way, but the idea is to get the positive thoughts flowing.

Please send in your little thoughts. You never know whose life you might inspire.



  • The single truth that we tell ourselves is a million times better than the half-truths that we are told by a dozen.
  • Hope is that last little flicker in the rubble of our burnt ashes. When you stoke the embers sufficiently, the flames will come alive.
  • Our dreams can never be the same neither will our journey. You must dream your dreams and not wait for hand-me- downs.
  • An empty heart will never have anything to give. Fill it with good things and it will overflow naturally.
  • Once that little voice in a mind asks, is this all there is? Then, there must be more to be done and we should be on the quest for that more.

Here Are Last Week’s Thinking Corner Thinkers 🙂

Small Choices. Rosema of Reading Writers little nuggets in brief.

The gift called today from Oba of the King’s Oracle fills me with beautiful thoughts.

Tuesday’s thoughts by Bisi of Femininematerz connects the dots of rising to the skill of your art.

Deep thoughts of Trickles and Tears from Diane of Ladies who lunch reviews.

Persevere. These very few words from simply me speaks very loud and clear.

Let’s hear your thoughts, quotes, advice et al.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha