Lifestyle · Parenting

Finding Fabulous Fulfillment For Yourself After Having A Little One

You aren’t afraid to admit that your entire life revolves around your new baby. You have lost all concepts of who you were before you had the little one and you don’t want it to affect your self-esteem in the long run. Being a new mom is full of challenges, so you need to keep in touch with the person you have always been, otherwise, you will drive yourself crazy. Whether you’re trying to impress your spouse by furthering your career or you just want to give yourself a little boost of confidence, there are so many ways to feel fulfilled without compromising the important things in life. Consider all of the following ideas and you will soon be able to find contentment amongst the hectic life of having a newborn.

Pursue Your Passions

You should never give up on pursuing your passions, even when you have had a child. Your career and studies might have to go on hold for a short period of time whilst you adjust to life with a little one, but there is nothing stopping you from achieving your goals eventually. You might want to start with taking an online course which will help you enhance your career one day. Whether it’s an MBA with engineering focus or a business management degree that will help you to start your own company one day, you will be able to find the ideal solution for you, without compromising on the important time with your new baby.


Reconnect with Friends

When you have a child it is very easy to lose touch with people who were once very important to you. Reconnecting with your friends and maintaining those strong relationships is very important for your own sanity. You will regret ignoring your best friend for the first few years of your child’s life because one day you might really need to lean on them for support. Schedule regular catch ups with your close companions and you will never feel out of the loop or lonely.

Take Care of Yourself

Find little pockets of time throughout the day to give yourself that little bit of tender loving care. Whether it’s a hot bubble bath whilst the baby is sleeping or you meditate for half an hour first thing in the morning, there are so many ways to practise self-care. These small moments are precious and will help you to keep your sanity during a hectic day. A pamper session once a month will also help you to feel fabulous.

Find the Perfect Balance

Whatever your personal goals are, you should always strive for the perfect balance. You can do it all, whether you’re chasing a career whilst taking care of a baby or furthering your studies in between motherhood. Find an equilibrium that helps you to conquer all the elements that you love and you will always be content in your life.

Although your little one means the world to you, you must never forget about yourself and what you want to achieve in life. As long as you strike a balance between the two you will always be happy and comfortable with all of your decisions in life.

5 thoughts on “Finding Fabulous Fulfillment For Yourself After Having A Little One

  1. I agree with you. When we become Mum’s our little one often takes over our lives and we lose our right to exist. I did this and regret it very much. Your child will have no respect of you needing time to fulfill your life. Good advice and long time no see. Good to see you Jackie.


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