Featured Blogs

Featured Posts – Share Your Post Links

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Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

The Power of Forgiveness I highly recommend this as your first read of the day.

 Be the happiest, healthiest version of yourself.

Blogging legally Is there a need to keep to the legal side of things while blogging? Share your thoughts on Bella’s blog.

My birthday It’s sweet Oneta’s birthday, not mine 😉 83 years is a blessed and grand age to be.


Estrangement This is a poignant read and here’s what I had to say:

This is so sad to read.
I believe in the power of positive thinking and the law of attractions. Start speaking positively what you want into being even when the contrary is happening.
Don’t be afraid to try to bridge the gap and offer an olive branch even if rejection is thrown in your face. Love will win over estrangement. Start believing. Stay blessed.

Do visit, read and leave your footprint behind.

It’s payback time A short and tense read. Suspense filled!

Transforming You We desire success, yet struggle with the transformation involved. My latest Vlog to inspire you.

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