The Daily Post

Finding my solitude

In my World, finding solitude is not always easy to achieve physically – my dear Himself and our children are always underfoot one way or the other 😉

I’ve learnt over time to create ways to be still and find inner quiet even when everywhere is abuzz.

I deliberately seek out pockets of moments to enjoy being by myself and to appreciate those moments.

Once, I told a friend that as a mother, to visit the shops alone and to shop quietly without the children is a vacation. Thus, I linger over a pot of tea/coffee, natter over nothing with strangers and come home humming with a gleam in my eye’s 🙂

Taking a walk, Photograph

Taking a quiet walk

Lonely boat, photograph

Finding interesting things in my vicinity

Cafe, photo

One of my favourite Cafes’ in town. Sit and nurse a pot of tea, watch people, eavesdrop and listen to gossip 😉

The Daily Post – Solitude

10 thoughts on “Finding my solitude

  1. I love the solitude too. I love the quiet time early in the morning before the family wakes up but it seems that time is cut short now as grown children get up at all times of the night to complete their studies. I enjoy the time the hubby goes to work and my kids go off to school and I am alone at home with my thoughts. Bliss !
    I actually love being with myself. I am often surprised when people tell me, they are lonely- I am so self centered that I can be happy with myself. Am I crazy ?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. NO! It’s a sign of maturity and love of the self to be comfortable in your own space with just yourself for company. I love those times too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Quiet and solitude, my favorite. It is wonderful how enjoying simple little pleasures can revitalize us mothers/wives. Great write for the prompt Jacqueline.


  3. Having just become a fully fledged em0ty nester I am looking forward to more of those times of solitude. Don’t get me wrong- love my kids – but I also love getting my own space back. I’ve nurtured and mothered my kids to adulthood and look forward to their visits.


  4. Hello! we must be thinking on the same wavelength. I just penned a piece about the fear of being alone with ones thoughts… catch it on Tuesday and tell me what you think. Enjoy your QT!


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