Author Zone

Author Zone Launching – Bring Your Books


A writers’ journey can be a lonely and arduous trip and the success of a writer is the collective effort of all those who surround him/her.

I know that I am a small time blogger out there but I believe so much in the strength that lies in unity.

It’s been in my heart for quite a while to find ways of contributing, encouraging and promoting my fellow authors around.

Many are struggling to get their works out there and the challenge of breaking into the limelight of traditional publishing is humongous.

We are the only one’s who can attract and drive our own growth in here. Buying and reading bestsellers is brilliant, all well and good, but contributing to lift up a fellow writer in our midst from one level to the next should be our collective care because it matters.

Support your fellow author/artist/writer/blogger. Collaborate with each other to help them grow.

The truth is that purchasing a book from a little-known author barely costs much. If you are buying 3 books a month, pick up one from an author in our midst, the cost is not even up to a cup of coffee at Starbucks, Tim Hortons, London Dairy or where ever it is that you love to get your sweetness.

The idea behind ‘Author Zone,’ is to highlight a number of authors and their books bi-monthly.

If you would like your book highlighted, please feel free to contact me. I would also try to do a review of a book once a month.

Please share this as much as possible to reach as many authors/writers as we can.

Thank you for your support.


Today’s Highlights

Rhymes of the Times



A lighthearted look at life through rhyme

Readers’ review

If you love rhyming poetry, and a bloody good laugh, this book is for you. Short at just 61 pages, you could get through it during a cuppa and I promise you will laugh the whole way through. Martin is a master at rhyme, and also with twists, there were a few poems with unexpected endings, one particular line caught my eye for its clever analogy:

Judy Martin is a gem. A supportive blogger friend and talented writer whose lighthearted look at life through her words make me smile. To get the book, you can check out this link. 


Everything Smells Just Like Poke Salad



A Readers’ review

Wonderful tales . . . all connected. Well written. At times poignant . . . at time hilarious. A nice little book that I very much enjoyed reading. Thank you Ms. Bethea for sharing the stories of your family with us.

Linda’s gift of story telling is awesome. You only need to read her words to get a good dose of laughter bubbling in you. To get the book, you can check out this link.

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