Featured Blogs

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Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Dental Agony I shouldn’t be laughing, but I did. I’m not terribly fond of Dentists myself, yeah I know what you’re thinking 😉

Close encounters of the wrong kind – Witty, humorous and scenic all in one article. I enjoyed reading this. Big Booty alert!

Anxiety the Phantom – A poem with depth. I bet a good number of us are having these shadowy dreams.

What a year A sobering post which reminds me strongly that mere minutes can change the life that we know.

Naomi-Mari How many Naomi’s do you meet and how do you respond to the Naomi’s you encounter or do you just walk on by without a care?

Simply Etta A wonderful blog with inspiring posts that would feed your Heart, Mind and Soul. Please visit.

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