Featured Blogs

Featured Posts 104 – Share Your Posts.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Do step in and show some love.

Reality: You need to read this. I won’t tell you what it is, but what I can tell you is that sometimes we being cowardly is a brave thing to be.

The prodigal daughter Deborah the sassy, Spider-woman 🙂

Thursday Doors: Are you one of those who’s curious about what is behind a door? I like Thursday doors and sometimes, I’ve debated in my mind if I should join in.

It’s just beautiful: Super short, sweet fiction that promises more.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together. 

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉