Poetry/Poems · Uncategorized

Courage! That’s all.

He was not fearless.

As a matter of fact

he was always filled with trepidation.

Yet he always found the courage

that galvanized his actions.

He walked into the burning house

and grabbed the little child.

He knew his soul would haunt him forever

if they burnt to death.

Never again he said to himself.

The memory of his mother

and his little brother

forever seared in his mind.


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Fearless, The Daily Post

Image credit: Pixabay.com


12 thoughts on “Courage! That’s all.

  1. Hi Jackie,

    Firemen are the some of the bravest, selfless people that I know, I’m reminded of a movie that I saw recently ” Fireproof”.

    I once saw a quote, “The secret of success is to do it afraid”

    Well written, as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The power you achieved in this complete story with such an economy of words.
    Oh this is indeed a piece of excellent writing dear Jacqueline. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..