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A New Beginning…

A duty done for home and country, though most times Damon wondered if the toll of duty was worth the sacrifice.

He had seen too many dead bodies and his inner mind had grown jaded. Cumulative years of fighting, of living on the edge had it’s way of sucking into a man’s psych.

Though he no longer served, he wore his fatigues and felt a sense of readiness, like he could face anything.

The stark facts of life’s circumstance whirled through his mind in years, up to the moment the explosion led to his blindness.

It still surprised him that Ann had waited all these years for him. Now, as he fights to find a ‘new life‘ without his sight, she stood supportive, her loving voice encouraging his often cranky, frustrated actions.  His lips curved in a smile at the thought of her blooming belly.

She has persuaded him to take a guide dog, that would help him foster more sense of independence and they were on their way to see the one she intuitively felt he would love.

He hoped so.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


In response to the FFAW photo prompt above from Thank you Priceless Joy for this enchanting story platform

16 thoughts on “A New Beginning…

  1. Hi Jackie,

    Awwww, the battle scars of war, so sad that he lost his sight, but love gives him hope. 🙂

    I often wonder about the back stories of soldiers, war is an awful thing. The trauma of being right in the middle of all that raw violence is unimaginable.

    Well written as always, your imagination is a gift.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Men return changed from war. Many don’t handle it well. They can’t be blamed. It’s the terrible things they see, hear and do. In your story, Jacqueline, there is hope. A new life will help, for sure.
    Nicely done …!!!
    Isadora 😎


  3. I enjoyed your take on this prompt. Despite going blind, the soldier had his wife standing by him supporting him and she is helping him to be independent through help from a guide dog. I think he will have a great new friend in the guide dog too.

    Liked by 1 person

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