Family · Personal

Humbly Eating Burnt Offering…Streams of consciousness Saturday.

I smile in amusement as I write this little post. If not that Easter eggs are popping up every where, my thought would have been that Linda has bionic powers to see into my kitchen.

I just finished breakfast of partially burnt scrambled eggsSoCS badge 2015 offered by my daughter. We are learning to cook and I guess burning is part of the practice 🙂

I humbly ate the eggs with a thankful heart. Soon enough she will get the hang of it with practice.

I think fleetingly back to my growing up years and learning how to cook in my mother’s kitchen. Only God knows how many burnt pots of rice, yam, beans, soup, I had to go through before getting into it.

Eggs were treats back then, eaten mostly on Saturday and Sundays because we had to wait for our local, home bred chickens to lay enough of them and on some days during the week, they were stingy or lazy with the laying of the eggs.

It’s not like now, where trays and trays of different types of eggs are on display for customers to choose as many crates as they wish.

Back then, it used to be a delight to go to the chicken coop at the back and find a warm, just laid egg.

Occasionally we were blessed with seeing a little chick hatch from eggs that my grandma set aside.

How she knew the ones that would hatch is something that I never understood.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

29 thoughts on “Humbly Eating Burnt Offering…Streams of consciousness Saturday.

  1. Like we say back home, bunnin up da pot is all a part of learning to cook ;-). My brothers hated when my grandmother went to the fields, because I was in charge of making dinner and burnt everything, beans, rice, soups. I love cooking and enjoying teaching my daughters, and yes they do burn the pot. lol! lol!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s really part of it. I can imagine your brothers grimace as they ate your burnt offering 🙂
      Let me use this opportunity to invite you over for the brunch party that I am hosting on my blog today and tomorrow. The link will go live in 2 hours. The title will be BRUNCH PARTY live link 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope. We’ve not started yet. The link will go live in an hour and half actually. Just keep an eye out for a link titled BRUNCH PARTY live link in another hour and half. It’s to give people time to wake up as well in other parts 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah, simple memories!! This post reminded me of a sweet story I saw a post on Facebook yesterday about a father eating burnt toast at the family dinner. His little daughter, seeing that the toast was burnt marveled that he ate it without saying a word. With the honesty only a child could have she asked him why he was eating the burnt toast. On hearing the question the mother began apologizing to which the father responded “sweetie I love burnt toast.” Later upon her dad tucking her into sleep his daughter asked again if he really loved burnt toast to which he said “mommy was tired from a very rough workday and while burnt toast never hurt anyone, harsh words would.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s such a beautiful story. We need to hear such heartwarming things. Our best memories are really built from very simple everyday things. Thank you for sharing this with me. I won’t forget this story 🙂
      Let me use this opportunity to invite you over for the brunch party that I am hosting on my blog today and tomorrow. The link will go live in an hour. The title will be BRUNCH PARTY live link 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love it. So many early kitchen memories. Eggs were a weekend only treat in my childhood home as well. And thick-cut bacon from the slab. Grandparents kept a smokehouse at their farm. ☺ Will be at your party later.


  4. I love that memory because I’m imagining your childhood chickens running around happily scratching for bugs the way chickens are meant to do. And I LOVE this music on your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you JoAnna. Yes indeed, now that I look back it was really a lovely time and the music is coming from my blog party going on so, let me use this opportunity to invite you over for the brunch party that’s taking place on my blog as we speak The title is BRUNCH PARTY live link. Do step in and mingle with other bloggers 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry I couldn’t make it to the brunch. I know it was a great time. I wonder why people don’t have music on their blogs more often. Maybe I’ll have Christmas music in December.


    1. Thank you Joey for taking the time to read and your comments. I appreciate that.
      Let me use the opportunity to invite you to the blogging party that I am hosting at the moment just in case you want to take a peek and mingle with others. The post link is

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  5. Lovely that your daughter is willing to cook. I wish I had been more vigilant about that when my Mom tried to teach me. But I didn’t care much beyond simple things such as eggs. Although, in my latter twenties I did finally start to learn some dishes to make. I liked baking though, does your daughter bake? I love my Mom but she is a bit if a perfectionist, something I’m not especially in the Kitchen. It very much bothered her when we accidentally burnt something or made something wrong. But she got better. Lovely memories of your Grandma and I don’t know how she would know which eggs would hatch either. Smart woman!


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