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Was I Truly Guilty Or Is It My Mind?…


There are moments in life that I look back on and wished that it could have turned out differently and this is one of those guilty moments: a letter to the young man that died.

However, with the realization that the past is where it belongs, one can only strive to a brighter present.

I have managed to get above and beyond these feelings by first and foremost, conscientiously working hard at forgiving myself for something that was beyond of my control.

At times, no amount of penance can get rid of the burden of sadness that weighs down on my mind when I ponder on some of the guilt-ridden episodes in my life but the amazing thing is that I have found that the more I reach up and look up to the sky, the less burdened I become.

Through Grace and Mercy which are not of my own will, but by succumbing to faith, hope, prayers, I can actually say, that I have the peace of The Lord which surpasses even my own understanding and that the haunting has ceased.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

”My Grace is sufficient for you; for my Power is made perfect in weakness: 2 Cor: 12:9.”


The Daily Post prompt The Guilt That Haunts Me.

Share a time when you were overcome with guilt. What were the circumstances? How did you overcome you guilt?


18 thoughts on “Was I Truly Guilty Or Is It My Mind?…

  1. Thank you Father! I’m so glad you’ve found peace with this, Jacqueline. I lived as a haunted woman for many years. I’m not sure that it is possible to completely leave the past behind as those events helped shape who we are now but I do know it is possible to reckon with the past and leave the shame and guilt that taunts and haunts us behind. It is good to pass through that painful reckoning stage, arrive at forgiveness, and then with a sigh of relief, really comprehend that “it is finished”.(((((hugs)))))))

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    1. Pam, you are such a huge, huge inspiration for me. Your words are always like soothing balm and comes at the right time. When Christ said that it is finished, indeed it is finished! No, we can never forget the past but like you said, we can look back and see where we are coming from and be very thankful to God for having mercy. Blessed love my lady. You make my heart glad (((hugs)))

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  2. I don’t know I think guilt can be a great motivation. It propels you to be a better person and I don’t think redemption is always impossible. But the funny thing about Guilt is it is closely related to regret

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    1. Ah Tildy, thank you for these words. I learnt that the only way to heal myself is to remove every lie and see things as they truly are. That is the only way I know how; by being honest to myself. Bless you too 🙂


  3. You will never forget what happened but hopefully with time the feelings of guilt will diminish as you continue to grieve the life that was lost. I’m really sorry that incident happened as I know it weighs heavily on your heart.

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I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..