Creative Writing · Fiction · Short story · Weave that Dream

It’s just the beginining…a Short Story

The Sun sets, leaving wisps of orange and lavender ribbons across the blue tinted sky.

Anastasia leans on the rail of the promenade deck of the cruise-liner, her soft floral dress blowing in the breeze. Alastair’s muscular arms wrap around her, sharing his warmth in the gentle breeze.

It’s a beautiful day. Their wedding day.

A clear Autumn sky without a gloomy cloud in sight. The aisle and pews decorated with hues of Autumn, in orange gold, red and faded green; her best season of all.

She felt like a fairy princess floating down the aisle to a wedding march of soft tinkle of waterfall and chirping sounds of birds, accompanied by the choristers well modulated sweet rendition of their song. The wedding party was sublime. Everything! Picture perfect!

As the ocean-liner cuts through the waters to a blissful honeymoon, Alastair nuzzles and plants a soft kiss behind her ears. She wants the moments to last forever.

This is just the beginning of their new life.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to the FFfAW photo prompt above. Thank you Sonya for the photo and Priceless Joy for this challenge platform.

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42 thoughts on “It’s just the beginining…a Short Story

    1. I do the same thing too 😉 run to the end of the book before it’s finished. They do hit some rocky patch in their marriage but it’s not all ironed out in my head yet. Thank you very much for your visit and comments. I do appreciate them. Kind regards.

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