Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Roller-coaster and intermissions – #SoCS

Parenting is by far the hardest job that I have ever done in my life. It’s interesting, challenging, full of ups and downs and sadly there’s no one size fit all manual that intercedes to help you wade through this amazing experience.
Sure there are helpful materials out there that one could read for sensible tips and advice, however, the truth is that no two children are the same and their interbehavioural attitudes differ and keep changing as they grow more independent.

This interdependent relationship that involves every human emotion and part of me that I can think of, is one relationship that I can’t even imagine what my life would be without it because our lives are completely intertwined. Sometimes as a parent I am completely overcome with fierce love and pride for my family and at other times I am as mad as ever but learning to handle these things has thought me more than any book will ever teach me. I had no idea before walking into wife-dom and motherhood that I had such deep well of internal patience.

Now, as I write this, in between thinking interesting thoughts of what I want to write, thoughts of what’s for lunch, dinner, tomorrow, a reminder to add toilet duck to the shopping list and to call the school to find out why I have to pay extra for inter-house sports rudely interrupt my train of thinking. My days are continuous roller-coasters with intermissions here and there, but that’s just life.


#SoCS – Inter

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12 thoughts on “Roller-coaster and intermissions – #SoCS

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..