Creative Writing · Life · Poetry/Poems · Writing 101


Time 2

They thought they had all the time
With vigour they dilly-dallied overtime
Bright eyes and dashing red lipsticks, they wined and dined
Brawny sinews and husky tones, they were in their prime

They enjoyed lots of downtime
Some simply left it all to sometime
And kept saying in the meantime
Lets have fun ‘cos it’s Summertime

Tick Tock, Tick Tock goes the passage of time.

Seconds to minutes, to hours and to days
The days rolled by and turned into years
Time flew by and they were in tears
There was no going back in arrears

Anticipation gave birth to perspiration
Relaxation gave way to vexation
It was now more than halftime
This game does not allow a second time

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, time was nearly gone.

They struggled to earn a dime
Indeed it was a stiff climb
Some turned to a quick hand of crime
While a whole lot started to whine

Some felt that life was simply slime
And sacrificed their peacetime
While some made juice with their lime
And simply had a good time

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, it’s a race against time

Now it’s past their springtime
No more room for sublime
Now its a game of full-time
There is no more prime-time

With the passage of years and all the time
Which they had lent for a long time to sometime
Who then gave it to procrastination every time
And he is renowned to be the biggest thief of time.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Writing 101, Day 4 – Second

Creative Writing · Fiction · Short story · The Daily Post

Just One of Jane’s Days…

staying up lateIt wasn’t a good idea to turn off the alarm clock for a few more seconds of snooze, Jane chastises herself as she huffs and puffs downhill in a haste to catch the bus. The few seconds of snatched snooze turned into a lost hour of precious time.

Her pencil skirt is not designed for hurried steps and neither are the heeled pumps made for sprinting, but hurry she must.

An attempt to hike the skirt up her thighs for more leg room yields a rip at the slit and it is not a joyful sound to hear.

”This is simply dreadful!” ”Not today of all days.” ”I can’t afford to be late.”

The tail light of the bus leaving as she arrives leaves her gaping unhappily and hoping the next one will keep to it’s fifteen minutes interval schedule.

As the next bus runs late, her plan to arrive for her interview looking composed and capable dwindles by the seconds and to top it all, it starts to sprinkle.

Rummaging in her bag for her pocket umbrella – which she stores for days like this, when the showers come unannounced, she discovers she has the wrong bag in the first place.

Whoever, created this nonsense of carrying different bags in the first place? She sighs in frustration.

Out of habit and in her haste, she had grabbed her usual every day carry on, leaving behind the nice office tote containing her file, purse and umbrella.

With a sinking feeling in her stomach and her sensible bun fast turning to loose tendrils like limp noodles in the rain shower, she trudges back uphill to her tiny apartment but she cannot get in because her door is a jam-lock and the key is inside in her purse.

What a fine morning and why do these things happen to me?” She mutters in exasperation, forgetting that she stays up late to watch all the reality shows on television.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post prompt Comedy of errors and bonus assignment

Murphy’s Law says, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Write about a time everything did — fiction encouraged here, too!

Bonus assignment: do you keep a notebook next to your bed? Good. Tomorrow morning, jot down the first thought you have upon waking, whether or not it’s coherent.

Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · The Daily Post · Weave that Dream

The 7 most important words you need to know…..

TimeIf I have only 7 words to share with you, I will by-pass all the niceties like ‘how do you do’ and go straight to the meatier part of things.

“Life is short! Apply your time well!”

These 7 golden words are as ancient as ever.

Your time spent here on Earth represents your life!

A simple analysis will give a clearer picture of the brevity of it all and how impoverished we all are when it comes to time.

A 70 year old gets 25,500 days.

An 80 year old gets 29,200 days.

A 90 year old gets 32,850 days.

A 100 year old gets 36,500 days.

With the stress level associated with today’s living, attaining old age has become a rarity.

Not every one will be lucky to see 70, 80 , 90 years and over.

Therefore, we must utilize the share that we get of this most precious and scarce resources judiciously.

Focus on the things that really matter such as: Living in Grace, Love, Joy, Hope, Happiness, Peace, Unity, Kindness, Gratitude, Family, Friends, Fulfillment, Self-Actualization, Understanding, Passion, Patience……

Don’t waste it by robbing yourself trying to live some other person’s life and do remember that in the expenditure of your time, the time taken to rejuvenate is not wasted time!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

In response to The Daily Post Prompt Seven wonders

Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand one another unless language is reduced to seven words. What would your seven words be?