Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Let’s Not Throw Stones – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Glass houses shatter and everyone inside gets cut with the jagged shards.

Today’s prompt ‘glass,’ for SoCS made me think of the saying about people who live in glass houses, yet they are busy casting aspersions and throwing stones at those who live in brick houses or even no houses at all.

It made me think of my so-called classy, fine folks. Evangelicals who look into their looking glasses like the wicked stepmother and adjudge themselves as the very best of humankind, meanwhile the milk of compassion and empathy runs dry in their veins.

They hide their hypocrisy, prejudice and multitude of sins under falsehood, spouting off biblical quotes twisted to suit their purpose and case in time.

They spend valuable time picking specks from their neighbours’ eye’s yet huge logs of sin occupies their souls and front yard.

These modern days Evangelicals remind me of the Pharisees – the ruling class – who crucified Jesus. They hated Jesus not because He called them names, or called out their hypocrisy, but because He threatened their security, their prestige and their income. He was going to ruin everything they had worked so hard for and would get everybody killed.

Doesn’t it sound a bit familiar? Today, we have brokered uneven peace around the World. I wonder how long our glass houses can hold up?

I am a Christain and my believe is that the practice of my faith is not a Religion. It’s in the way that I would treat my fellow man.

I want to be able to look into my looking glass and see beyond the mirrored image before my eyes’. I want to see a clear image of who I am, when no one is watching, inside my closet.

The true reflection of a man is not that image that’s mirrored before his own eye’s, but the reflection of his soul. This is the reflection that I want to see through the glass.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

SoCS – Glass

Writers Quote Challenge

Prompt – Writers Quote Challenge

Bernadette, Joan, and I invite you to join in on our blogging event called The Writer’s Quote Challenge.  We are looking for one more host/hostess to join in the fun.  So if you would like to pick up the challenge of hosting, just let one of us know.invitation-shel-silverstein

For this week’s prompt, here’s my offering:

The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking. Robert H Schuller

Never let the sun set on those dreams

even in the twilight of your days,

rather, let the moon shine on them,

casting them into beautiful pearls;

for your vintage collection.

I had a conversation last week with a friend who’s clocking 50 next month and during our talk, she expressed some disappointment for not having pursued her academics a bit further.

Now she just feels that she’s too old (especially back home in Nigeria) where she laughingly said that she would probably end up being the grandma of the class of young adults.

I told her that if she really wanted to do so, irrespective of age, she should go ahead and find something suitable to do at her own pace, after all, she’s not in competition with anyone.

Besides, the older she gets the more likely it is that her regrets will grow deeper.

I ruminated over this conversation for several days because as I spoke to her, my mind centered on some aspirations of mine that have been in the cooler for a bit due to family exigencies.

Am I ready to toss them over because I feel that I’m getting too old to go back to school? I don’t think so.

Those dreams that are within our reach should not be left to die irrespective of age because age is simply a convenient and lame excuse.

I look forward to reading your contributions.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post

Unseen Things…




Unseen trail of bitter tears
left indelible gouges of pain
engraved in her heart

Unseen thoughts of rooted anger
left trails of gore and violence
in his destructive path

Unseen sense of fear and doubt
left them immobilized
unable to take actions

That your words may be heard.

Cry out!
That your tears may cleanse your soul.

That you may touch the stars beyond the sky.

‘The things unseen surpasses those before our naked eyes. They take on undefined proportions that define our lives.’

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post – Unseen

Featured Blogs

Featured Post 126 – Share your post links



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Sorrow most private affair: How private is one’s sorrow? Should it be kept hidden in the dark shadows? Should it be shared?

A prayer for those who suffer: Please READ! A beautiful, fragile, sad and heartfelt prayer. To all of us…

A writer and her inspiration: We all have been through the writing mental block one way or the other. How do you find your inspiration? Do share your wisdom please.

The One: An ambitious poem that made me smile. I wonder if such love is possible? You be the judge.

Today’s smiles: Let’s kickstart the week with random lovely photos 🙂

Do step in and show some love.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together. 

I hear the reverberations of the magic that’s hidden within.

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

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