
We Never Know…

On Wednesday an Emirates plane crash-landed at DXB tarmac and burst into flames. Thankfully, all 300 passengers made it out alive but it was all so surreal to me.

It felt surreal because less than half-an-hour before the incident occurred, I had just picked up my husband from a long haul 19hrs flight from the US where he went for an Award ceremony – he’s also an award recipient. As we watched the plane blaze on television, I couldn’t even imagine the horror the passengers must have felt when they knew that their plane was going to crash-land.

It dawned on me that though a minute might seem so small, a minute can change everything. Things that we take for granted like a loved one saying, “see you soon,” just the way my husband did before he boarded his flight in NewYork, might very well be the last words exchanged forever.

It drew it close home to my mind that not only should we live fully in the moments that we are given – not just existing, but love living and never fail to let those who are dear to us know how we feel about them. I am not trying to sound like a prophetess of doom but to face the reality of the life that we live.

I am grateful that the crashed plane’s situation was contained and well managed. I am grateful for my husband’s safe return even as I watch him reschedule his travel plans to Lisbon since all flights from Dubai have been suspended in the interim. I hold onto hope that as Grace kept him and brought him home safely, journey mercies will also proceed to Portugal with him.

Let us never forget that a thankful and grateful state of mind is to have a great attitude and a whispered prayer that keeps our earnest hope bright in our hearts.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S: There are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


out-of-the-silent-breath 2

I hear the reverberations of the magic that’s hidden within.

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The Daily Post

Ever faithful…


Countless times she forgot
but he reminded her
that His love
is free.

Countless times she doubted
but His steadfastness
was forever

Countless times she fell
but His right hand
propped her

Countless troubles called
but he remained
a tower of



© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party this weekend. It’s fun and you get to meet fantastic folks:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Life · Personal story · The Daily Post

Staring Into The Barrel Of A Gun…personal


Lagos toughens you up! When I talk about Grace and Mercy watching out for me, it is with the deepest conviction of my heart.

I have been through so many scary moments, that some day’s when I look at myself with all my appendages intact, I know that it is not sheer luck.

‘That my life is a testimony.”

My guardian angel has been on full time duty!

If you have lived in Lagos and did not experience one or two hairy-scary moments in your life, then as a matter of compulsion, you have to do Thanksgiving.

It is a bustling, heavily populated, quirky and awesomely crazy city that busts at it seams with rich culture and entertainment.

The commercial nerve center of Nigeria.

As a Lasgidi babe; once a Lagos chic, always a Lagos chic, I love my Lagos to bits, but I also detest a good number of things about it.

To cut a long story short, back in the days when daylight robbery was almost a norm, I was mugged 3 different times at 3 different locations and in the same city by the  one’s that are called ” Area boys.”

Secondly, I have faced the barrel of a shotgun of the ‘men of the underworld’ aka highway robbers, 3 consecutive times.

Once was during the wee hours of the morning when they came calling, the next time was on the high street in my car and yet again, shortly before Christmas just as I left a bank.

It scared the jeepers out of my life. My skin flew off my bones in fright and in the last incident for the first time, I was violently ill and experienced an unbelievable migraine. Nightmares ensued and I fled to Europe for several weeks to calm my nerves.

Several months following these incidents, when a stranger came too close, I would practically jump out of my skin, my knees would get all trembly and my pulse rate would simply get erratic.

Indeed, when I look back and think of the times that I stared death in the face, I marvel. One day, I shall write a comprehensive story of these moments.

The rampage in Lagos has gone down over the years.

The robberies are of a more sophisticated nature these days, but there was a season when the men of the underworld reigned supreme!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt Safety First.

Share the story of a time you felt unsafe.

Devotions · Family · Hope · Life

Our Circle Of Life…


To God be the Glory, Great things he has done…

I am truly grateful that despite a difficult birth, my sister delivered her baby safely, (I must confide in you that I have been a bit jittery and these feelings are worse when you are far away, only receiving your updates via telephone).

These things that we take as a given, are privileges and not our rights. It is truly all by Grace and Mercy.

It is not unknown for a woman to develop complications during childbirth and for things to go downhill from there neither is infant mortality a strange occurrence.

I will bless your name O Lord on a thousand hills.

Yet again, our circle of life increases and the miracle of a new born never ceases to amaze me.

I await the baby pictures 🙂

Would you like to join Colline’s gratitude challenge? There is no fuss. Just click the link for details and share that which makes your heart glad.

Kind regards and remain blessed.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Devotions · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Poetry/Poems

Have You Met Lady Grace?….


Let me tell you about Lady Grace.
  Fine one that arrives wearing filigree lace,
Everything done with Grace always changes the race,
When she comes, she must surely leave a trace,
For your outward expression will certainly change pace,
Reflecting inward harmony of soul around your space.

Wields a lot of power, she does; our Lady Grace,
Her power consumes, you wish not to be a disgrace,
She can shape-shift just in case,
You ponder how she will fit into your space.

Grace is not blind even if she keeps a straight face,
As she watches your scramble from low grass to trophy case.
She is clothed in dignity with warm human face,
Encouraging arms she extends to thee embrace.

Should you ever seek to replace a false face
A bone deep desire to erase can take place
For there is always a meeting place
To invite the mighty Lady Grace
And she will touch base
In your living space.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Life · Love · Poetry/Poems · Writing

Imperfect Parts Of A Perfect Whole…


Dare we take a peek? I shudder;
I shudder, should we dare seek to see;
Beneath our pantomime parades;
What turbulence lies under the facades;
Can the glare of the twisted mess found beneath;

Can the parts all broken, cracked, jumbled, mangled and messed up beyond measure;
Ever fit, not to cause so much displeasure?
Facades that shimmers and glimmers like timeless diamonds;
Yet within their confined cupboards they fight and grapple with their demons;

Painful warts underneath, score my soul like those of a soiled dove;
dirty, filthy, unbecoming, unwholesome tiny cracks everywhere;
The freckles of imperfection marks me brutally;
I am covered in sinful spots and dots;
A sore sight to the sinless eyes;

But who are these sinless eyes? Where are they be to be found? I ask;
Shall we dare to take a peek to see;
There are no sinless between you and I;
All broken bits of imperfections we are;
But yet he says;

Come! I beseech you;
Come to me with all your freckles and all your warts!
Come to me with all your spots and all your dots!
Disgraced, Broken, Discarded, Cracked, Twisted, Warped,Mangled,
Hopeless, Desperate, Ashamed, Naked;

However spotty it might be!
For my perfection makes your imperfection whole!
For I came to set the captives free!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Hope · Life · Writing

A letter to the young man that died…

The crossDear Sir,

I killed you and I am truly so sorry!

A dash into a six lane highway in pursuit of something that no one could tell, cost both of us so much.

They called it an accident, yet my spirit has grieved for long and the incident replays itself over and over in slow motion in my head. The screech and skid of the tires, the spinning and the abyss of blackness…

You died! How I came out of that vehicle with just a few scrapes was by the Mercy of God. I felt that I should have been more hurt than I was. The months that followed were extremely hard and it has taken a lot of Grace to forgive myself.

I always ask myself these rhetorical questions:

  • What was pursuing you or what were you pursuing?
  • What if I had left a tad earlier that day, would that have made a difference or would someone else be saddled with this burden of guilt?
  • Should I blame the Local Government for not installing pedestrian crossings on a highway; where it shouldn’t be?
  • Should I blame your foolhardy self for dashing into a six lane express by 10:30 in the morning?
  • Should I blame fate for putting me in your path and reconcile that it was meant to be?

I don’t drink, neither do I do drugs, so blaming intoxication is even out of the question!

My heart bleeds every moment that I think of this.

Every time that I wonder if you are okay where you are? If you ever had the chance to make peace with your God?

You were in your late 20’s and I wonder what dreams you had for the future; if any at all?

You have forever changed my perspective about life.

I guess I will never know the answers to my questions, but this I know for sure;

I will always offer a prayer for you.


Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Love · Musings

Today I pray for you…

Praying woman

Today I pray for you..
I wish that you will find peace and healing as you hurt in any way.

Today I pray for you..
I pray that you will find strength to hold on,
And abundant Grace to see you through.

Today I pray for you..
I pray for a consistent hedge of protection,
around you and yours, especially in these confusing times.

Today I pray for you..
I pray that you experience mercy, where it is needed

Today I pray for you..
I pray that you will find succor,
Even from the most unexpected channels.

Today I pray for you..
I pray that your heart and mind,
May be generous in your dealings with mankind.

Today I pray for you..
I pray that your faith and hope remains undiminished,
Even when all seems lost,
Just a sliver of faith and hope will suffice.

Today I pray for you..
I pray that your endeavors are met with success.

Today I pray for you..
I pray that all is well with you,
Even as you struggle to believe.

Today I pray for you..

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Photo credit: God Knows my heart-Celia Stevens

Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Love · Musings

1 For The Teachers….


Thank you may seem like such a simple word, yet it is a word that has the immense opportunity to carry a whole lot of meaning, appreciation, gratitude and it sometimes represents plain old-fashioned politeness.

From the very moment a person learns to talk, they are presumably taught how to say thank you. After a while it becomes an automated action, that we sometimes fail to know the value and then take a whole lot of things for granted without giving thanks.

School is out for summer holidays and as I watched my youngest hug his teacher goodbye, and told her how he would miss her, that little gesture spoke volumes to me.

At the start of school year, we had just moved to this vicinity/school district and I was a bit anxious as a parent as to how well my kids will adjust to their new schools and curricula, especially coming from British oriented school curricula to American curriculum. All through this school session, I had listened to their narrations about each school day while holding my breath.

At the onset, we floundered a little bit and agreeably some days were perplexing but we quickly caught on with the way the land lay on this side, and not one day did my children express a negative feedback or not feel like going to school. My worries about their adjustment and making friends soon turned to immense relief and gratitude.

Ike and co

After you as their parents, their teachers are poised to be the next most influential person in your child’s life and they are also responsible in imparting some of life’s most important lessons and social skills which are not detailed in the syllabus.

I have three children who are very active and there are days I wonder how a teacher manages to keep a bunch of fifteen to twenty-five children attentive for six to eight hours without pulling out all their hair in exasperation. I came to realize that the teachers must really enjoy teaching. They must enjoy having their students around them and imparting selflessly on these younger ones who look up to them for direction.

Most of the time, they go above and beyond their call of duty in the education of our children.

To the Amanda Spiegelman’s, Carolina Loria, Dawn Stevens,  Haley Bassett, Gbemi Olowookere’s and the teachers of this World who give selflessly, saying thank you is hardly enough, yet this is one of the means  to appreciate your kindness, support, patience and understanding.

In my place it is said that “we should keep our eyes open to our little mercies, because the man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life”, thus in my indigenous Ibo language, I will say, “Ji sie ike, dalu nu”. Well done and thank you all.

Some might wave it off and say you are just doing your jobs, but I firmly believe that you are doing so much more. You are helping to mold the future generation. Keep up the good work.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha