Art · Life · Love · Poetry/Poems · Popular Culture

Wake Me Up – Avicii

I wanted it to be a rumour, I prayed that it’s a bloody rumour
sadly, it’s so cold, so true, so unexpected.

News of your passing leaves a huge lump in my throat
unbidden tears flow as I listen to your beats over and over

I love your music more than I can say, the sadness in my soul feels brittle
How is it that I love someone that I’ve never met this much?

Avicii, your lyrics spoke to me on a deep level
I looked forward to a day I would go to your concert

Alas! Your show has become one that I’ll never attend.
Hey brother!  Though you never grew to be older, you were older than your years.

Rest In Peace Avicii and May Perpetual Light Shine On You.


Flying Free – Written for a dear friend – Bernadette – who lost her beloved son.

Dear Bernadette thoughts of you and your family have been on my mind and I offer prayers for you to stay strong.

I can only imagine how deep your hurt and loss feels and I woke up this morning thinking of your son. I never knew him but through your words I did.

Remain blessed and comforted.

Butterfly, Dandelion

image credit – pexels

For Andrew – May perpetual light shine on you.

Thoughts of you infuse my heart
with bittersweet memories that leave me reeling
my silent tears seep through eyes
that beheld you through the years
my tongue yearns to tell you once more
that I love you again and again

Unspoken, my thoughts stretch
to ask the Heavens why?
I open my hands to hold the butterfly
briefly, he perched on the dandelion and now
I watch him soar into the skies
free to be, he goes beyond my eyes.

My love for you will never end
for you decorated our lives
in ways that words can’t explain
I know that you fly free and
twinkle as part of the stars.


Devotions · Life · Little rants · Poetry/Poems · Social Issues

Vive La Republique Du France!…


I had my post for today all ironed out and set to go, until I woke up this morning and saw the news and I simply lost the desire for a light and chatty post.

A sick feeling settled in my stomach as I watched in utter stupefaction, the constant replay of attacks on innocent people gathered together for a concert, gathered to cheer their teams at the stadium; coldly murdered.

It wearies one to ask why? Why this hysterical, senseless killing? It just no longer makes sense.

Just several days ago we were reeling from this and now this.

I have a very special affinity for Paris and France as a whole. It means more to me than just a lovely holiday spot.

I am bilingual ( English /French ) a language that I spent 5 years to learn and I owe loyalty to this beautiful Nation for the opportunities it presented to my life.

For several years, I worked for the Embassy of France and the European Union.

I met my husband at “Maison de France” and I always feel like a part of me has come home when I visit Paris.

They welcome and throw their doors open to all and sundry who come to pay homage to this iconic city of European heritage and they are the least discriminating people that I happen to know from my sojourns in different parts of the World.

Shame on this infamy!

Shame on humans whose behaviour are nothing less than cowardly and dishonourable!

Even as the bloodbath and carnage of innocent ones soaks into the soil of its land, France’s pride and it’s beauty can never be cut down!

Hearts bowed in pain, we grieve.

Thrumming heat in our veins we scream.

Why do you kill me?

For I have done you nothing!

I have dined with you!

I have lain with you!

I cried with you and I laughed with you!

Yet you gather like locusts,

To feast on my flesh!

Have I done you any wrong?

That you kill us in throngs?

A mother weeps for a lost child!

A father bemoans his loved ones!

For the souls cut down in cold blood!

Who have done you no wrong!

Let our courage not fail us!

Nor our hearts cease to beat within us!

For they shall never know peace!

For the loss of the deceased.

The torment of their souls shall never cease!

Until they seek to find peace!

Peut les âmes des défunts reposent en paix/May the souls of the departed rest in peace!

Vive La France!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha