
Indeed, the young shall grow.

Barista, Teen Working, Employment, First Job, Tim Hortons, Work Ethics

To place my order, I stretch up my neck to look at my 6ft 4inches son when it seems like it was only yesterday that he used to stretch out his tiny hands and tell me ‘caawwy me up mummy.’

Where did 15 years fly to? Where did all the time go? Between changing diapers, mashing potatoes and vegetables, reading bedtime stories, reciting nursery rhymes, mending scraped knees and many parenting incidents, time zoomed by.

Now, I watch my son in his Tim Hortons uniform for the first time – after a 3-week training – stand behind the counter to ring up my order.

This is my boy’s first job and I feel tickled pink that he got selected out of many others who were interviewed for the job of a Barista.

It’s a Summer job and I am grateful for the experience that this opportunity gives him.

It will instil some sense of work ethics, confidence, independence and responsibility. It will help his transition from teen to adulthood, provide constructive use of free time and time management.

I am sitting here, typing this post and getting my first cup of drink from the young man and it tastes absolutely wonderful. My heart feels full and this means so much to me.

© Jacqueline

If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfilment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


Friday Fiction in Five Sentences · Uncategorized

Dark nights – Friday Fiction in Five Sentences.

Image result for a man smoking in the dark

Mark sat in the dark smoke-filled room, the only light came from the red glow of his cigarettes.

Silent nights were his worst companions but he couldn’t stand the meaningless drone of the TV, where everyone looked cheerful and conversed with the ease of those who led normal lives. He hated the silent nights.

PTSD. That was what the doc said. PTSD. An easy blanket name used to describe his postwar struggles, and a handful of prescription that didn’t take away the recurring booms of explosives, the pungent stench of charred human bodies, the severed limbs, and the blood; so much blood.

The heroes welcome had been short-lived, for in the land fit  for heroes there’s hardly any jobs for those like him and he wished he was back in Afghanistan, where he knew his place.

Now, he just didn’t know himself anymore.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha



Everyday People

Work, work, work – Everyday beautiful people 82

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Job

Man_in_window[1] Man_in_window_2[1] Man_in_window_3[1] Man_in_window_4[1]

I heard loud, consistent thumping sounds on the window and when I could no longer ignore it, I had to have a look.

It was startling to find this fellow dangling on a rope, with pails and gallons and washing windows, 34 floors up in the air.

For several minutes, I watched as he worked efficiently and even carried on a conversation with his colleague who was a few feet away from him – unfortunately, I couldn’t get a photo of the second guy.

I was green around the gills just watching him and can never imagine what that must be like. Some jobs do require lots of gumption.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

Wonderful, evocative poetry by a talented writer. Left me hungry for more. Jacqueline can write! Linda Bethea

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Everyday People

Water Commute…Every day beautiful people # 47

In a typical year, if your commute to work is 60 minutes to and fro, cumulatively, you would spend an average of 20.8 days or more just on commuting.


These folks commute to work each day on these open boats.

As much as I like water, I doubt if this would not frighten the jeepers out of me having to sit like this on an open boat, day in, day out and without life vests.

For me, it’s only good for a one-time adventure. Well, I guess they’ve got to do what needs to be done.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Brand me whole as only you can

That the entire score of me

Knows nothing but the fullness of you.

Creative Writing · Fiction · Short Stories

Lost In Thought…Friday Fiction In Five Sentences.

Ted was bored, angry and tired. He hated his job, the drudgery and his boss.

Every morning, he would get all dressed up, knotted in stitches by the strictures of his tie, suit and briefcase, yet he trudged along, a pack of analgesic and pepto-bismol tucked away in his bag. He would have gone through a bit of them before the day was over.

He knew that he couldn’t continue like this in such a dull job. He had told himself this for the past ten years, yet he was too lethargic and scared to sit up and do something.

Lost in thoughts over his quandary, his movements were spare and automated as he walked down his usual route to catch the bus.

He stepped into the pedestrian crossing, just a few seconds too early. He had failed to see the flashing change of the lights and the truck that trundled down at high speed.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Image credit: Pixabay

A link to my neighbours/Community · Creative Writing · Family · Fiction · Short Stories

Fortune Unfounded…


The call for prayers blared through the loud speakers, the pull of the voice sounds compelling, but prayers are the furthest thing on Aashish’s mind.

He feels sad. He has no money to apply for residence visa for his wife and two daughters to join him and the much that he earns is barely enough to tide him over, after he had sent some home.

It’s Sunita’s birthday today, he thought that by now they would have been with him.

His children are growing up without him and yet the fortune that he sought, leaving them behind eluded him.

He pulls out the crumpled, almost faded picture of his family. It was taken years back in one of the quick snap booths, on one of their rare visits to town. It has been five long years, since he last set eyes on them. He has failed them and his shoulders slump further.

Sometimes his spirits are buoyed with stories of people winning lotteries and he struggled to buy a ticket, but it was always someone else who won.

He felt he was better off back home on his farm in Nepal and doing odd jobs to augment their meagre income.

At least he will get to be with his family again and he will be happier again and Anu will understand, he hopes.

Being away from his wife has been the hardest part. The fees for entertaining himself with one of the willing ladies was just too much luxury for him.

With a sigh of pent up emotions, he fished out his rubber-bound telephone from his pocket and dialed his brother’s number.

Hello Aadit, tell Anu that I am coming home, he said.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

From my neighbours yards, I harvested these thoughts and would like to share them with you.

Feeding The Tiger, Fighting The Lions, from Deborah Crocker.

Getting That Book Constructed For Submission, from Connie Jasperson

How to easily find time for stress free blogging , from Janice Wald

I enjoyed reading Life Lessons  from voyager of freedom.

Curative list of 2016 writing competitions from Yelhispressing

A little teaser for you from A Momma’s view.

A tale of two dips, from what’s for dinner moms.