Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Let’s Not Throw Stones – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Glass houses shatter and everyone inside gets cut with the jagged shards.

Today’s prompt ‘glass,’ for SoCS made me think of the saying about people who live in glass houses, yet they are busy casting aspersions and throwing stones at those who live in brick houses or even no houses at all.

It made me think of my so-called classy, fine folks. Evangelicals who look into their looking glasses like the wicked stepmother and adjudge themselves as the very best of humankind, meanwhile the milk of compassion and empathy runs dry in their veins.

They hide their hypocrisy, prejudice and multitude of sins under falsehood, spouting off biblical quotes twisted to suit their purpose and case in time.

They spend valuable time picking specks from their neighbours’ eye’s yet huge logs of sin occupies their souls and front yard.

These modern days Evangelicals remind me of the Pharisees – the ruling class – who crucified Jesus. They hated Jesus not because He called them names, or called out their hypocrisy, but because He threatened their security, their prestige and their income. He was going to ruin everything they had worked so hard for and would get everybody killed.

Doesn’t it sound a bit familiar? Today, we have brokered uneven peace around the World. I wonder how long our glass houses can hold up?

I am a Christain and my believe is that the practice of my faith is not a Religion. It’s in the way that I would treat my fellow man.

I want to be able to look into my looking glass and see beyond the mirrored image before my eyes’. I want to see a clear image of who I am, when no one is watching, inside my closet.

The true reflection of a man is not that image that’s mirrored before his own eye’s, but the reflection of his soul. This is the reflection that I want to see through the glass.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

SoCS – Glass


Essential Writers’ Tips 7

Essential Writers Tips, Improve, Editing, Writer, Professional Writer, Criticism, Alpha Beta Readers, Publishing, Prepare

To Improve, Prepare Yourself For Punishment

A great part of writing and being a writer involves criticism.  A lot of time, we are afraid of having our work scrutinized constructively by others that we pass up opportunities to have them take a carving knife to our revered work.

However, to effectively improve your writing, you have to take certain steps that would certainly cause you to cringe.

If you can afford a professional writer or editor, pay them to look at your work and give you critical feedback without sweetening it. The tougher the criticism, the more helpful for you in the longer run.

The narrow road of the publishing industry is full of rejections and criticisms from publishing houses, editors, agent etc and the sooner your mind opens up to such circumstances the better accustomed you become. Read More

Creative Writing · Devotions · Hope · Musings · Photographs · Poetry/Poems

Who Suffers Most?…


How can I not forgive you;
For that which I may be guilty of too?

How can I be so hypocritical;
With fierce darts so critical?

For it is great Grace,
That saves me as a Scapegrace.

Buffeted and Battered by Transgressions,
I bow to my knees, folded within.

Searching to recognize my peace,
As hot tongues of the brethren’s accuser,

Chastises from within the inner realm,
A quiver full of squirmy thoughts.

How can I not….

For to forgive you
Is to forgive myself.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Inspiration - Motivation · Musings

Perfect? No, not I…


Certainly, I know that I am not perfect,

And that is perfectly alright.

Neither are you, or you and you!

Human flaws are characteristics we all share in common.

Some flaws are deeply entrenched,

Like the mandatory make up stripes on a zebra,

While some flaws are momentarily switched on,

As changeable as a flash bulb.

Some give it a posh title – eccentric, uniqueness, schizophrenic, deficient, myopic …and so on,

Or the simpler names – faults, shortcomings, intolerance, and so on. …

I call it exposing your humanity,

You being who you are.

In each of us, exists a beauty and a beast,

Like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,

It all depends on which side of your humanity you choose to expose.

In each of us exists a redeeming quality,

As minutiae as it may be.

Consider the good qualities of a man,

Weighed against his faulty sides,

And judge his character based on that which outweighs the other.

Let us bear with each other,

For the fault lies in our differences,

And none of us is above such criticism.

Don’t spend too much time dwelling on those flaws,

Life is too short to waste on things that cannot change,

But by all means, change the flashbulbs as often as you can,

For better illumination on the path of your journey,

Your final destination will be worth the effort.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha