Blogging · Challenges

Stitches… 3 things challenge

He never could keep his buttons on. They always seemed to dangle at the drop of a stitch… she knew that she ain’t no fancy designer, but she managed to stitch his pants real good…

I did some blog hopping today and found the Three things challenge on pensitivity 101 ‘ real, button, designer’

Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 5

Today, I’m grateful for a fulfilling day. For each moment of making my self-talk positive. I will have a good nights sleep and my subconscious will be activated with audacious, wholesome dreams, flooded with thoughts and images of the certainty of my success. Jacqueline

Peaceful, meditation

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#positiveaffirmations, #walktall, #findingyou,, #findinggreaterjoy

Excellent Quotes From Yesterday:

Mandibelle “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion” — Paul Coelho-
I think this one is pretty straightforward. I’m not saying I’m always able to do it, or that everyone can be a positive example of action and change 24-7, but I think it’s a worthy goal. Even small actions change the world and those living in it, often in ways, we don’t ever realize.

Bernadette: Thinking of someone to love each day keeps your resentment away!” Richard Carlson

Oba: I am royalty, encapsulated in grace, endowed and empowered with positivity to nourish my space with Love-OBA

Oladewalaura: Learning is a gift even when pain is the teacher.
We all pass through pain before getting great success so it is not seen to be pain, it is believed to be the ability to attain greater height.

Winifred Mena-Ajakpovi: I am blessed beyond measure. I am made of more. Good things come to me

Jose Cosme: I have faith and confidence that I have everything I need to share my gifts and talents with the world.

Boma Anikwe: I’m me. I don’t live according to my dictates .i believe in divine orders, yet, audacious enough to make mistakes and learn from them because I am not my mistake. Everything in life happens in its set time. No need to rush into anything.
I only engage my time usefully yielding to the counsel of the Holy Spirit and acquiring new skills that will help me shine in my set time! I haven’t lost anything, no! I only gained experience. I have no regrets. That’s why I live and walk in dominion every day.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.

Blog · Blogging


Free Stock, Free Images, Photo, Public Domain, Image Directory

Without any doubt, images make your blog posts stand out. They act as eye candy and are an important part of design and professionalism.

If you often use images for your creative works, it’s important to bookmark a handy list of your go-to websites where you can find images that are absolutely free.

I literally cringe when I see bloggers slapping on photos or images with copyright and watermark credits stamped all over an article that they’ve taken time to craft. It looks sloppy and simply shows lack of professionalism.

Using copyrighted images is not the ideal solution. Such practice could expose you to issues of copyright infringement. To be honest, before I knew better, I made the same mistakes, but the good thing about information is that when you know better, you do better.

Online, there are millions of free images that don’t need accreditation, and one could equally create their own images through photography or by using creative solutions like CanvaPicMonkeyPowerpoint, Font Studios, Pic Art etc.

However, there comes a time when we are searching for something specific to buttress our message and when we don’t have a suitable one in our photo bank, we resort to other sources.

Quick Note About Licenses

Free Images, Free Stock, Free Images, Photo, Public Domain, Image Directory, Copyright, Infringement, Legal Restrictions,

Most of the images in this list are free from restrictions or licensed under creative commons public domain. It means is that copy, modify, share, use for commercial purposes – without permission.

However, some of these photos may need attribution and the best advice is to take a few minutes to check the restrictions of an image before using. If in doubt, contact the author of the site and even when attribution is not required, it’s always a nice thing to do.

100 Amazing Sites With Free Stock Photos

  1. A Digital Dreamer
  2. All The Free Stock
  3. Ancestry Images
  4. Barn images
  5. Big Foto
  6. Boss Fight
  7. Bucketlistly
  8. Budget stock photo
  9. Burst
  10. Cepolina
  11. Clker
  12. Creative Convex
  13. Crow the Stone
  14. Cupcake
  15. Death To The Stock Photo
  16. Designers Pic
  17. Dreamstime
  18. Epicantus

100 Amazing Sites With Free Stock Photos – The Art of Beautiful Expressions

Inspiration - Motivation · My Thinking Corner

Go and Take A Seat!…Tuesday Thoughts

Working can be a deceptive form of procrastination. Tidying, cleaning, answering emails, surfing the net, planning meetings, attending meetings, grocery shopping and every chore that you can think of.

Sometimes they appear far more appealing and easier than facing the task of sitting down and writing or tackling and tapping into our innate creativity.

Calm, Peace, Sitting still, creativity,

Our 24/7 constantly on the go culture of a hamster, literally makes it impossible for people to simply be and to just keep still. Take a good look around you. At every juncture, people are fiddling with their phones – even when they are driving, which I find alarming and sad.

Some believe they’ve acquired the superpowers of texting, driving, drinking coffee and chatting all at the same time. I’m actually doubtful if we are really more productive with this hyper trend.

This hyperactive culture creates the impression and belief that being busy with futile activities is better than doing nothing. It’s almost as if there no end to these so-called useful tasks.

Listen up. To make inroads into your work you just have to stop yourself and simply do nothing. Unfolded clothes for a couple of days never killed anyone.

Allow your thoughts to gather and settle. You might be on edge and find it difficult to sit still for a bit. Just be patient.

The ideas will steal in when you create some calm. The solutions, the writing lines will come to you. They are there waiting to be dug out, instead, each day’s mundane activities are piled on them and they get buried under the heap.

© Jacqueline 2018




Imagination, Creativity, Poems

you cut my tongue

 took it to the morgue

 to stifle my words;

you chopped my fingers

 burnt them to cinders

to bridle my vigour;

yet my thoughts

cease to staunch

from fluttering out



Excerpt from my work-in-progress poetry book 3 – Check out Unbridled

Inspiration - Motivation

Positivity From Adversity

In the toughest of times, it can be difficult to draw upon positivity and inspiration. But, with a change of perspective, these issues can become a well-spring of not only creativity but also happiness!

Happiness, Women, Adversity, Life, Water, Laughter, Friendship, Perspective

Happiness in adversity! Source.

The first change of perspective is:

Plan Accordingly!

Once you fall upon hard times, it can be easy to become lost in a mire of misery and simply think it is inescapable. This isn’t true! If you’re experiencing money troubles, then working alongside a financial planner can help pull you back into the black, and get you back on your feet. Helpful resources exist for advice on how to choose a financial planner – this will not only help you in the short-term but can set you on your way for future success.

Planning doesn’t just apply to monetary issues though. It may be that the adversity you face is the disability of a loved one, maybe even your own child. This can seem overwhelmingly bleak, but if you plan thoroughly you can not only guarantee your own security but secure your loved one’s future and quality of life. Investing in a special needs trust is a neat and secure way of guaranteeing them a stable life, be they young or old, and will free you mentally to enjoy the best of times with them. Life isn’t all about finances, but securing them financially can safeguard future treatments, allowing you to nurture them with love with a reduced weight upon your shoulders.

This leads to the second shift in perspective:

Creatively Document Your Struggles and Successes!

Change can be a good thing! Change can help shift your perspectives and bring you back in touch with the things that really matter. Disabled people aren’t here to inspire us, but still, we can draw inspiration from the experiences of anyone who experiences and overcomes difficult times. If you yourself have difficulties you can channel them into creative outlets such as poetry, or even running an inspirational blog! People all over the world channel difficulty into uplifting stories of how they overcome setback after setback, and you too could join them!

Alongside a properly thought-out and implemented plan for recovery, documenting your journey can bring light in moments of darkness, and can itself become that which best drags you back into the good times! Studies exist as to the value of adversity in the creative mind, and this shows that – even if you’ve gotten into a dark spot of writer’s block (or the equivalent for your pursuit!) – you can haul yourself out with a fresh new perspective to boot.

You can channel yourself into a new hobby, with the little successes you win yourself pursuing those hobbies helping build towards overall wins in your wider life! Perhaps you’ll even take up cooking? Cooking yourself hearty meals can do absolute wonders for your state of mind, and as you get more confident in your abilities you’ll soon be making all sorts of fantastic meals! You’ll have gained yourself new skills, brought some positivity into your life and can even save yourself a little money – all whilst bringing you closer to your loved ones! After all, everyone loves a packed family table and a home-cooked meal! (Of course, you can always channel your efforts elsewhere – hand-knitted gifts go down a treat!)

Hearty soup, Fresh meals, healthy, nutritious, meal plan

A hearty meal does wonders for the frazzled mind. Source.

This is a collaborative post.

Cultivating Your Passion To Write…

Writing, Typewriter, Writing Passion, Ballpoint pen

Image Credit

When it comes to something like writing, it’s easy to have all of the brightest ideas in the world when you’re not at home. But, when it comes to getting them on paper, the mind is blank, and motivation has disappeared almost entirely. Of course, though, in a lot of cases, drive to write isn’t just a matter of having ideas. Along with this, you also have to find ways to cultivate your passion and make it into something which doesn’t feel like work. To help you out with this, this post will be going through some of the best tools you can use to achieve this sort of goal.

Before you can start thinking about this, though, it’s a good idea to understand why you’re doing it. People are very simple, at their core. By giving yourself simple queues, while also learning and improving your skills, you will make it a lot easier to feel good about spending an evening behind the laptop. Along with this, these sorts of methods can remove issues like writer’s block. And they can also improve your appreciation for other people’s work, knowing what they have gone through to produce it.

Tools To Use

As something becomes easier and you are making fewer mistakes, it will usually become more enjoyable, as you’re spending less of your time fixing things. Writing is no different, and learning a thing or two could be one of the best ways to help you to stay driven with your next big piece. You can work on your effortless English skills through a variety of methods. Though, online courses and study resources tend to be the best for those with busy lives.

Once you’ve got some learning under your belt, you can start to think about the inspiration you can find from other people’s books. A lot of people find that their drive to write is at its peak when they’re in the middle of a book they really like. Always keep your eyes open for new books to read, as this can be one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated.

Along with the learning, you do throughout your studies, you will also want to continue to learn during your career, too. As a part of this, you should be constantly looking at blogs and other resources to find little hints and tips. This will help you to keep up to date with your skills, and will also help you to avoid slipping into bad habits.

Finally, as a way to get some inspiration, writing prompts can be one of the best tools out there. Being given a concept to go from with your story will help you to avoid the issues found with writer’s block. You can find websites around the web which are dedicated to helping people share their short stories which are built from prompts. Using a tool like this, you can compare your work to others, while also getting some valuable feedback.

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Hopefully, this post will encourage you to take the first steps towards embracing the passion you already have. A lot of people have big ideas for novels or other books throughout their life. But, very few act on this urge and their ideas stay locked within their minds. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, if you’re willing to do the work.


Use Travel To Inspire Your Inner Writer

Travel is the perfect way to experience new cultures and will have an impact on all of your senses; making it the perfect way to inspire the writer in you. Traveling can also provide new environments to enjoy what you’re currently reading; so maybe it’s time to book some flights and get out there to experience new parts of the world. The following are some ideas for those with wanderlust and will help eager writers to understand how travel can improve your work.

Travel, Airplane, flight, flying, adventure, sky

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Where To Go

When traveling overseas; think about the destination and how it differs from your current situation. Experiencing anywhere new is a positive thing; however, a contrasting culture and environment to what you’re used to will have a more significant impact on your senses and thoughts, than a similar destination to where you live. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to be adventurous with your travel choices and pick somewhere that you’ve never imagined before.

You might currently reside in the suburbs, or a busy part of a town or city, and these places can be great sources of inspiration for writers; however, they can also busy your mind and cloud it a little making it a challenge for fresh thoughts to come through. Therefore, you might want to consider a natural environment, with breathtaking views to clear your mind and allow a new train of thought to inspire your next (or current) piece. Writer’s block can often be cured by a change of scene and access to new sights, smells, and sounds. You don’t have to get on a plane to get out there and experience the great outdoors either; the US has some awe-inspiring national parks, you can take a look here: for some inspiration on where to head.

Consider traveling north or south of your climate; you could be craving a warm glow on your skin, or perhaps you need some cool, crisp air to refresh you and give you the ideas you need. California and its many coastal areas can provide a space that’s as busy or as peaceful as you need; consider hiring a car there and driving along a coastal route, as you never know who or what you may see along the way. Heading up towards Canada could provide you will the impressive Niagara Falls; the perfect setting for your next thriller, mystery, or romance novel. Or perhaps a lodge in a mountainous region and some forest trees is the kind of peace and quiet you need to get you best ideas.

If you do decide to travel overseas; there are a wealth of places around the world that will enlighten and inspire your next writing project. Asia is a vibrant continent; jam-packed with different cultures, history, terrains, and characters. Think about exploring the overwhelmingly busy areas of India, before contrasting the expedition with a trek in its environments of natural beauty. Southeast areas of Asia with provide you with historical temples, alongside modern architecture and the latest in technology. Do your research, and you’ll be able to find some deals on accommodation and travel expenses; be cautious when it comes to finding cash quickly for travel, and plan your finances accordingly, so you’ll have peace of mind throughout your trip. Ensure that you have enough contingency in your account back home; you never know, you mind end up staying longer than expected if the writing process is a success.


Wanderlust, Hiking, Rock climbing, Exercising, Nature, Adventure

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What To Do

Once you’ve landed in your inspirational new destination; it’s time to explore with your notebook, pen, and camera. Try and get off the beaten track; find places to sit and soak in your surroundings and note down what you feel, hear, and see. Think about your genre of writing and how a story, or factual piece, would flow in your current environment and begin to fill out characters and plots.

Talking to the local residents is the perfect chance to get a rounded insight into life there; ask questions about the history and their way of life. Record everything you learn and always be ready to write something down or capture something that you find exciting, or unusual. If you’re captivated by a story or situation; the chances are that someone else would be too, so ensure you take all the information you gather back home with you.

Enjoy any local cuisine and eat where the locals would; you’ll get a better sense of the place if you steer clear of every tourist hotspot and you’ll only enhance your experience. Most of all; travel with your eyes and mind open, don’t put too much pressure or focus on what you produce regarding your writing, and the ideas will start to flow when you least expect it.

Camera, Blank, Black, Glasses, Notepad, Photos, Film, Map

Image via here