Personal story

As It Is..personal

Sometimes, to elevate the mind
out of the miry bog of poor thoughts
takes every ounce of energy
that we have.

Eye Shading, Dark

I’ve struggled this past week to get out of the nebulous state of my mind, to endure the flaring pain of Fibromyalgia and annoying flu that has me fatigued in all sorts of ways.

I try not to center my posts and my life on the malaise that I struggle with especially Fibromyalgia and Post traumatic stress disorder because I am not my pain.

Secondly, it’s difficult talking about invisible ailments to others, especially when some are busy looking for how to undermine other peoples challenges.

I choose not to make these things the focal point of my existence because they are not and no, I am not in denial. No matter how much these issues strive to take a lot of my attention and even when I am walking ball of pain, I choose not to indulge in any form of a pity party but face anything as it is and to keep searching for ways to overcome.

My blog space has been silent, but my mind has been a battlefield. I needed all my energy to pull myself up by the bootstraps.



40 thoughts on “As It Is..personal

  1. I love your positivity despite your struggle and your determination is inspiring!

    Everybody is different and the following may not apply to you but a turning point for me was learning that I am ‘good enough’ as I am (Alfred Adler) and learning to listen to my body. Another biggie was learning to say ‘no’ and not needing to be unwell just to avoid things. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was missing your presence here – now I understand why. It would become all consuming at times. I hope you are starting to feel better- every blessing winging its way to you 🙂


  3. Life… oh life. There is alway light at the end of a tunnel… but sometimes that tunnel is just toooo long. You will get there you will.. The Divine holds you and carries. Give your burdens to him.. have his light shine on you and heal. Big hugs and all will be well… lice bella

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Through all the years you have been my friend, classmate and fellow blogger you’ve always encourged and inspired others so that iimagining you being as frail and human as the rest of us all is hard. I’m praying God’s healing, annointing love lifts you ever higher, sweet Sis.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad you gave us a report. I’ve been missing you. You will come through. Take some time to jiggle your armor back into place. 😀 God knew what he was doing when he arranged for us to get a day of rest every week. I’ll make a guess that you have not been taking care of that matter of your body’s needs. Blogging can be very intrusive trying to keep up every day. It never turns off unless one deliberately puts it on the back burner for a while. Take care and turn the body and brain off as much as possible. We’ll wait.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nne, thanks for sharing your struggles. We all have our challenges and just so you know… Yours sincerely too has been battling some things too. Rest in his everlasting arms and may healing and strength flow through your body. Take your time and rest really well. Loads of love 😘💗💗

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Aaahhh very sorry to hear of your suffering. I can relate both mentally and physically. This is your blog so keep sharing your thoughts. This is why I recently joined. Take care x


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