Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

In Limbo – #SoCS

These days my lower limbs tend to hurt more and I guess it must be ageing coupled with my fibromyalgia pains. They creak like the limbs of an old door and I keep telling myself that I need to drop the excess kilos and give the poor limbs a break so that they will serve me for a long time.

With my weight in limbo – I’ve forgotten what it means to be svelte but I know that my former svelte self is tucked away somewhere in all this blubber if only I can find her.


Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Limb



Let me toot a bit of my own horn and mention here that my new poetry book ‘ Unbridled’ is now available on Amazon.

A little about Unbridled from a reader:

‘Unbridled is a collection of uncensored, bold poems. The author speaks without niceties. The soul of each poetry tugs at the depth of your being and the writing style makes it easy to identify with the emotions of the character in each poem. If you are looking for the unspoken truth that society would rather brush under the carpet, I recommend you read Unbridled.’ – Ekaete Augustine-Edet

Product Details

11 thoughts on “In Limbo – #SoCS

  1. I’m right there with you, Jacqui. Since I went back to university and started working, I’ve cut back on my exercise. Getting up in the morning is such pain!! We’ve gotta get moving, I tell you! 😛 😀

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