Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

In Limbo – #SoCS

These days my lower limbs tend to hurt more and I guess it must be ageing coupled with my fibromyalgia pains. They creak like the limbs of an old door and I keep telling myself that I need to drop the excess kilos and give the poor limbs a break so that they will serve me for a long time.

With my weight in limbo – I’ve forgotten what it means to be svelte but I know that my former svelte self is tucked away somewhere in all this blubber if only I can find her.


Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Limb



Let me toot a bit of my own horn and mention here that my new poetry book ‘ Unbridled’ is now available on Amazon.

A little about Unbridled from a reader:

‘Unbridled is a collection of uncensored, bold poems. The author speaks without niceties. The soul of each poetry tugs at the depth of your being and the writing style makes it easy to identify with the emotions of the character in each poem. If you are looking for the unspoken truth that society would rather brush under the carpet, I recommend you read Unbridled.’ – Ekaete Augustine-Edet

Product Details

Dubai · Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Travel

Ski Dubai and Two Birthdays – Echoes of my neighbourhood 29

On Thursday’s, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

It was a busy last week for my household with two birthdays in the house. A good reason to celebrate, indulge and get a bit spoilt. We went to the Ski Dubai, though I’m still trying to figure out why we paid to go and get cold in a – 4 degrees indoor resort – I guess the blistering heat in this place makes it novelty 😉

A visit to the Cinema to find Dory and The Cheesecake Factory for the birthday celebrations was the icing on the cake so to speak.

Gosh, all the buttery, delicious popcorns and generous slices of decadent cake indulgence this Summer has convinced me to join the children in Karate/Dojo classes.

I hope I don’t kill the Dojo master this time around 😉

Thankfully we can’t eat food online otherwise, I would have taken a bite out of Lady Lee’s delightful pie while watching the full moon, and the glorious Sunset on St. Johns River with the waving palms where Pamela took me was just enough to make me sigh in pleasure.

I must say that Brigid’s Irish village’s Tidy Town practice with the blooming bikes is such a delightful aesthetic and horticultural idea. From Ireland, we traipsed through a little Monsoon drizzle where we sang in the rain and filled our eye’s with beautiful blooms.

Kat took us on a journey to the National D.Day Memorial at Bedford and with respect to the solemn photos of those who sacrificed their lives in pursuit of the freedom that today’s generation enjoys, we must never let certain history repeat.

So, when do we get to visit your neighbourhood? Do invite us over.


Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


Jacqueline writes from her heart on passion, pain, suffering, loss and LIFE. I have been incredibly moved by her poetry and I know I will return to “Out of the Silent Breath” again and again.

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works and would like to do so, you can fuel my creativity with a slice of cake or coffee😉

Health · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Memes

Getting In Shape…

Every weekend we indulge happily, thanking God that it’s Friday, then Saturday and Sunday. We hop back on the cycle on Monday’s. It’s a vicious cycle. In reality we could all lose the extra weight we want to lose,  but the truth is that most people hate losing things. It makes them mad 🙂

Welcome to another week of running around like a hamster.




Personal story · The Daily Post · Weave that Dream

I Got It Done!…


I can be very fastidious about accomplishing things that I set out to do and when I don’t achieve them, it leaves me with a great sense of failing in the promises that I made for myself.

When I was single it was far easier to achieve certain goals, but with a family to take care of, the scales balance tilts a bit and it requires far more focus and stringent discipline to achieve new goals.

Some years back, I set a target to get back to my pre-birth size 10 from size 16 and I gave it my all, that within 6 months, I had achieved my target size, but I got pregnant again and piled the weight back on – though I lost the pregnancy and since then I haven’t put as much zeal as I did in getting my shape back.

Last year, January, starting a blog was one of the things I wanted to achieve. By the end of first quarter, I realized that I was behind and one fine morning, I woke up and just jumped in. I had grown tired of overthinking it. I decided to ride through the rough patches as I go and that is precisely what I am doing.

I also finished one of the books that I am working. I got it done by the skin of my teeth in December. I am just going to catch my breath, then get down to editing and see what the next step will be.

This year, like the year before last, I have chosen to view my goals as my life solutions instead of resolutions and you can find out why over here.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Resolved.

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution that you kept?