
Indeed, the young shall grow.

Barista, Teen Working, Employment, First Job, Tim Hortons, Work Ethics

To place my order, I stretch up my neck to look at my 6ft 4inches son when it seems like it was only yesterday that he used to stretch out his tiny hands and tell me ‘caawwy me up mummy.’

Where did 15 years fly to? Where did all the time go? Between changing diapers, mashing potatoes and vegetables, reading bedtime stories, reciting nursery rhymes, mending scraped knees and many parenting incidents, time zoomed by.

Now, I watch my son in his Tim Hortons uniform for the first time – after a 3-week training – stand behind the counter to ring up my order.

This is my boy’s first job and I feel tickled pink that he got selected out of many others who were interviewed for the job of a Barista.

It’s a Summer job and I am grateful for the experience that this opportunity gives him.

It will instil some sense of work ethics, confidence, independence and responsibility. It will help his transition from teen to adulthood, provide constructive use of free time and time management.

I am sitting here, typing this post and getting my first cup of drink from the young man and it tastes absolutely wonderful. My heart feels full and this means so much to me.

© Jacqueline

If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfilment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


25 thoughts on “Indeed, the young shall grow.

  1. Congratulations Jacqueline !!! Bravo !!! It sounds like your son is a fine upstanding citizen !!! He has accomplished this through your loving support. Thanks for sharing. Jan

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