Book · Book Review

Yes To This!

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At a time such as this – that has been rough on my nerves – and my thoughts filled with self-doubt and self-flagellation of the mind, finding this little note tucked away in my overflowing email box gives me the thrills.

Suffice it to say that indeed words make a difference and hearing positive things help to boost one’s flagging confidence immensely.

From my heart to yours, I say thank you, Deborah 🙂


Poetry Book Review, Commendation, Unbridled, Out of The Silent Breath


Once again Jacqueline has taken readers on a journey. Releasing Golden Bird’s from not so Gilded cages into brazen reality. Within her carefully woven word tapestries, the Phoenix arises from Ashe’s Reborn into New Glories.

These are powerful and explosive vignettes. Jacqueline Prose Poetry bursts through the pages capturing the hearts and souls of her readers. She explores the depth and breathe of Women’s lives and loves. Dancing Palmtrees

You can read Unbridled on Kindle Unlimited for free. 

Product Details

Now Available




Indeed, the young shall grow.

Barista, Teen Working, Employment, First Job, Tim Hortons, Work Ethics

To place my order, I stretch up my neck to look at my 6ft 4inches son when it seems like it was only yesterday that he used to stretch out his tiny hands and tell me ‘caawwy me up mummy.’

Where did 15 years fly to? Where did all the time go? Between changing diapers, mashing potatoes and vegetables, reading bedtime stories, reciting nursery rhymes, mending scraped knees and many parenting incidents, time zoomed by.

Now, I watch my son in his Tim Hortons uniform for the first time – after a 3-week training – stand behind the counter to ring up my order.

This is my boy’s first job and I feel tickled pink that he got selected out of many others who were interviewed for the job of a Barista.

It’s a Summer job and I am grateful for the experience that this opportunity gives him.

It will instil some sense of work ethics, confidence, independence and responsibility. It will help his transition from teen to adulthood, provide constructive use of free time and time management.

I am sitting here, typing this post and getting my first cup of drink from the young man and it tastes absolutely wonderful. My heart feels full and this means so much to me.

© Jacqueline

If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfilment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.



2 Years! Time Sure Flies When You Are Having Fun…

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Woah! It’s two years since I started my blogging journey. I was only reminded last night when WordPress sent me a note that my site’s subscription is due for renewal.

Hmm! I had no idea when I started this affair with blogging that I would fall deeply in love with it and stick to it with such tenacity.

I honestly can’t begin to say in specifics how much this affair has made me grow. When I started, I had no iota of an idea what I was getting into – I still remember saying to myself, if the water gets too hot in here, I’ll simply climb out of the tub.

I am enjoying the choppy waters of the blogosphere and I am grateful with all my heart that I answered this call. It infuses me with such satisfaction, most especially friends that I’ve made in this space.

It’s been a wonderful experience and I thank all of you who have been here with me. You are all raising me up to be better than I was yesterday and today.

I truly wish I could have face time with a lot of people that I’ve met here. We would hug like old friends, sit, laugh, share a cocktail and many stories.

I’ll be hosting my monthly blog party this weekend, join me and celebrate.




This Moment In My Time…personal

Cease to search for the broken and crooked turns that your life took but let your focus be on the pleasant lanes that you walked through. Jacqueline

Gratitude, Life lessons, Quotes

Having my birthday two days ago sent me on an interesting thought spin. When I was in my 20’s I had no vision of what my life would be in my 40’s because my mind couldn’t think beyond certain things. I daresay this is the case with most people because truly none of us knows what the next hour has to offer not to talk about tomorrow or 20 years down the line.

I remember back then I decided that by the time I was thirty I would have my PhD. and would be deeply entrenched in a diplomatic career that would allow me to be a mediator amongst people and Nations and to travel the World.

My diplomatic career dream started off by working from The Tunisian Embassy to the French Embassy and then The Delegation of the European Commission (EU). I was on a roll.

Fast forward to the present time, I smile as I recall that earnest young lady of my twenties, who had it all worked out in her mind. I forgot that life happens when we are busy making plans. Somewhere in that dream a husband and children featured but the depth of their role was never clear to me. They were simply going to come in somewhere at some point in time.

The fascinating diplomatic career was tossed aside for diplomatic cooking with the kitchen apron and children clinging to my legs and the traveling has been eye-opening opportunities that I had never anticipated – my travel case is always ready to go  🙂

The PhD. is yet to materialize but the desire is not lost, just deferred to the near future. The mediation happens every day though in smaller, tight circles of settling sibling squabbles and gladly dishing out words of advice and wisdom that I’ve acquired along the way.

I’ve played many roles and occupied all sorts of positions spanning over a decade going to two decades, but in all these divergent directions there has remained a pattern of being true to myself and embracing each opportunity with every bit of me.

At this juncture in my life, I am glad. I am grateful for a loving family. I have been blessed by total strangers whom providence brought to me. I am thankful for friends that I have found in unexpected places and still finding, on the path of my journey. I am thankful that though my path has been winding, I see the lines falling pleasantly in place.

Thank you for being present in my life.


If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


TODAY…personal thoughts

TODAY is bright and the beginning of the rest of my life. Each day is an opportunity to improve on yesterday and I must make myself accountable for each day.

The fragility of human life has grown even more tenuous these days that I wonder if at the hurried rate hatred and violence is eating into the fabric of humanity if people will grow to ripe old age anymore even with the fact that we seem to be more scientifically aware than ever before? I don’t think so! For it does seem that the more we know, the more tenuous life becomes and it brings it home to me that I have to endeavour to live better each day.

I am a firm believer that God inhabits the praise of his people and I see the pep in my steps when I wake each morning and face the rising Sun in thanksgiving. I have compared my grateful heart to my heart that has often sojourned in a labyrinth of dark emotions and I know the better difference.

I have no crystal ball to show me all that may transpire around me before the day is over, all that I am in a position to do, is to accept the Grace and Mercy given and the Will Power to equip myself with mindful, positive truths and reflections to live my life for each day like a prayer.

I am grateful for a conscious heart, mind, good health and the simple things of life because every other thing is just an addition.

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S: There are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfilment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

‘A Richly Layered and Passionate Read.’ Jan Cliff

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works, you can fuel my creativity with a cup of coffee or a slice of cake😉

Gratitude · Personal

For these one’s, I give thanks…personal

There’s always a reason to be thankful no matter how minutiae, but today I have lots of reasons to be full of gratitude.Gratitude, Grateful, Prayer, Thanks, Blessings, Open

I am 2 day’s away from clocking 365 days of non-stop blogging and it puts me in a reminiscent mood. It may not mean much to some people, but I am still chuffed over the fact that I have diligently stayed the course.

My first book also got published over the weekend and I am totally excited about it.

The exemplary gentleman/publisher who worked with me on this project David Cronin of Moyhill publishing, Sally Cronin’s husband has been so supportive to this novice, answering all my questions down to the nitty-gritty and the book is already receiving excellent reviews.

I gained a worthy and supportive partner this last week, a fellow blogger whose articles inspire me very much. Kaylaa Blackwell of Inspired Beacon, I thank you for having enough confidence in me and finding it worthwhile to partner with me. I will be writing more on this in another post.

For amazing family and friends who don’t cease to surprise me, I am thankful you are all in my life. Your encouraging words literally fuel me. I hope that there’s something that you are thankful for today.

You can join Colline’s  or Maria Jansson gratitude challenge platforms.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha’s poems portray images that stare us right in the face. Images of love, joy, death, pain, challenges, violation, and freedom. She writes in a language that’s rich in imagery, earthy, honest, vulnerable, yet full of the promise of hope, of loving and of Grace. A collection of light and dark soulful prose.

Dubai · Family · Gratitude · Inspiration - Motivation · Love

….And We Get To Rest.

Oh Yes! In the presence of the Lord,Each day
I will bring my gift,
In thanksgiving and joy,
There is joy in my heart,
It is flowing like a river,
And I will praise the Lord,
In Thanksgiving and Joy.

For today’s gratitude challenge, I am thankful that I don’t have to jump out of bed early for a couple of days and rush around like a headless chicken, to ensure that the children are ready for school.

It’s National Day celebration over here, so we get today and tomorrow off school which spills right into the weekend. Yes!!!

I am thankful for the season that we are in. I feel the joy in the air. Even in this city that is Muslim dominated, there is so much liberalism at this point.

Christmas decorations are popping up at the malls and Christmas tunes float in the air from several shops. It’s amazing and I am thankful that we are in a city that is tolerant of other peoples’ religion.

I am quite sure that you have something to be thankful for today.

Blessed Love.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness, it will change your life mightily.” – Gerald Good.



Devotions · Family · Hope · Life

Our Circle Of Life…


To God be the Glory, Great things he has done…

I am truly grateful that despite a difficult birth, my sister delivered her baby safely, (I must confide in you that I have been a bit jittery and these feelings are worse when you are far away, only receiving your updates via telephone).

These things that we take as a given, are privileges and not our rights. It is truly all by Grace and Mercy.

It is not unknown for a woman to develop complications during childbirth and for things to go downhill from there neither is infant mortality a strange occurrence.

I will bless your name O Lord on a thousand hills.

Yet again, our circle of life increases and the miracle of a new born never ceases to amaze me.

I await the baby pictures 🙂

Would you like to join Colline’s gratitude challenge? There is no fuss. Just click the link for details and share that which makes your heart glad.

Kind regards and remain blessed.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha