My Thinking Corner

My Thinking Corner…

quotes, flowers, push the boundaries, success, growth, motivation, inspiration, resilience

You truly can’t afford the cost of staying at the bottom. That space is overcrowded. Crawl, climb, jump, keep moving in any way that you can, but just get out of there.

The problem with staying stuck at the bottom of the barrel is that there are far too many enablers who are willing to keep you company and even provide some background music to your whining.

If you want to change your direction and growth, you have to lead yourself out of that confined space. It may mean losing your backup singers but know that the orchestra sounds better the higher you go.

Saying that our destiny lies in our hands may be clichéd but nonetheless true.

Lots of times, the odds would be stacked heavily against us at the bottom, however, we mustn’t keep our eyes on the stumbling blocks in our path, but on our aspired destination and keep pushing.

An inspiring post ‘subscribe to your successful self’ from Lady Cee is a great read that buttresses these points.


8 thoughts on “My Thinking Corner…

  1. I love the picture you painted about being crowded at the bottom and the image of someone providing background music to whining. Excellent illustration. Thanks for linking to my post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And even your cheerleaders seem to tire of cheering you on when your sorta stuck at the bottom Longer than they wish to cheer seems like………..Bootstrap, pull yourself up, get the help you need, be bold, forget worrying about what everyone else thinks/says, it is Your life, ok,……… my preaching stump now……………………thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

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