Wordless Wednesday

Having Delightful Conversations…


I saw the telephone sitting on a display table in a posh shop.

It’s just so pretty that I want to own one and go back to the times of using such proper phones.

Where you would sit down to take a call, cradling the phone on your lap or by the side stool.

We would certainly have delightful conversations 🙂

18 thoughts on “Having Delightful Conversations…

  1. That phone needs to be set on a wood side table with carved legs and a dark finish. I would sit on a chair with seat and back covered in embroidered flowers. On the table beside the phone would be an old fashioned china teacup and a plate of biscuits.

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  2. The only thing that I would change about the phone is to give it a proper dial instead of the buttons. And speaking of things telephonic, I’ve been out of the loop for awhile, where does Clark Kent change into his Superman suit these days?

    Liked by 2 people

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