My Thinking Corner

Quit IT! My Thinking Corner

Quotes, My Thinking Corner, Quit it

Quit carrying that baggage of guilt

it ain’t gonna buy you redemption.

Quit holding on to other people’s criticism

they have their own issues to deal with and ain’t perfect themselves.

Quit seeing yourself as not enough

nobody else can be you or as enough as you

Quit comparing yourself to others

your goal is to compete with yourself and be better than you were yesterday.

Quit bemoaning what yesterday could have been, it’s gone!

Look up to today and make it the damn best that you can.

Quit worrying about the future

when you are not done with admiring the present.

Quit holding on to your expectation of others,

it doesn’t belong to you and letting go will bring you peace.

Remember that though we are in this life together, your track belongs solely to you.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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24 thoughts on “Quit IT! My Thinking Corner

  1. Good poem Jackie. We need to quit beating ourselves up and being our worst enemies.
    Had a similar moment today. Attended a meeting today and met some of my old work colleagues, and got news about some other colleagues who had been ” mean” to me while I was there. In fact I left my job because of the constant harassment from them. Today I found that even though many of them had been dealt not too well by life in the time that passed, it did not give me pleasure any more to know of their misfortunes. I am glad I have learnt to let go. The feeling is similar to releasing guilt feelings too, Jackie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great message, Jacqueline. I will definitely check out your Youtube channel as well. Thank you, for liking my recent post, I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

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