Personal · Stream of Consciousness Saturday. · This Is My Life

How many times have I failed? Maybe 5,000 or more. I won’t give up!

No. (Number) That’s what Linda gave us for today’s Saturday stream of consciousness and I had to remind myself over a no. of times to get up and do it.SoCS badge 2015

Today, I have refused to do a good number of things except lie around and whine in my head. Taking a deep breath after the days almost gone, I haul my butt out to get it done.

It’s not a deliberate attitude not to do anything, except binge on food, but some deep lethargy that seems to have pervaded my mind for the past couple of weeks and this has made everything a drudgery.

I know the symptoms for I have experienced it over thousands of times and so many times when I allow the dragon out of its lair by letting the lethargy fester it never bodes well.

Over the thousand no. of times that I have allowed it take over, it dragged me down into its lair and turns me into a dragon myself. Everything that I am doing would give way for this sniveling, annoying, depressing monster who rears its ugly head when it wills.

It’s a good thing that I always have several bowls of prepared food in the fridge and freezer, so that way, my family don’t suffer on the days that lethargy seizes my bones.

Now that I’ve written, I feel better and can’t help wonder how many times I allowed it to beat me. Can I put a figure to the no. of times it got the better of me? I doubt if I can. However today, it’s not going to get my number anymore. Enough!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

16 thoughts on “How many times have I failed? Maybe 5,000 or more. I won’t give up!

  1. Some days are just like that, I think. I’ve certainly done worse. When I was a student, I remember occasionally sitting in bed all day and not getting out at all except to make a sandwich or go to the bathroom. Now that’s lazy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The dragon manifests for all of us at times. At my worst, I came home from work, ate a cold cheese sandwich and watched reruns of M.A.S.H. until I fell asleep. Did that for about 2 months. It happens. Hang in there, J. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooh, I hate times like that. They sorta sneak up on us, too, don’t they? One day, you’re funky and you’re like, “I’ll feel better tomorrow…” but then NO. Ugh.The weather’s gorgeous here today, everyone’s out mowing and whatnot, I will work in the garden when I finish my WP business. Gardening is good for the soul.
    This weather sure does make me want a crisp salad and some iced tea. Maybe a light cake. Yep, I think my day is pretty well set.
    Best wishes for the happiest Saturday you can manage 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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