Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings // 48…


Opportunity is taking the situation that you are in and turning it around on its head to make some sense out of it. Opportunity is not going to traipse lazily and knock on your door begging you to pick it up.

Opportunity is not going to traipse lazily and knock on your door begging you to pick it up and it’s not everyone that will have a Cinderella story to tell. Some will have to work their way out of the grate of cinders with all the smoke and never a pair of dainty slippers to lose or Prince galloping to the rescue.

Some will have to work their way out of the grate of cinders with all the smoke and never a pair of dainty slippers to lose or Prince galloping to the rescue.

Adapting to the situation that life presents us is the first key to getting ahead.

Finding the positives that such a situation has to offer and tailoring it to serve some worthwhile purpose in your life is turning an ordinary occasion into a great and well-optimized opportunity.

Your story is an opportunity. Your life is an opportunity. Your art is an opportunity. Your photos are opportunities. Your speaking strength could be an opportunity. Your baking is an opportunity. Your cooking is an opportunity. Your parenting is an opportunity.

Opportunity abounds. Use them as well as you can.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


23 thoughts on “Midnight Motivations and Musings // 48…

  1. Amen!! Preach My SiStar!! I believe preparedness meets opportunity. Most of the time I’d say Opportunities come to those who are prepared. However God often opens unexpected doors that we walk through by faith. God believes in us even more than we believe in ourselves. As the expression goes, “When the student is ready. The Teacher appears.” Every day I Thank God for his unlimited Grace & Mercy. Thank you for this wonderful post!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. It’s morning 10 o’clock for me and what a great motivational read to start my day !! I guess we all know this but still we tend to forget it at all the times…especially when we need to remember these words the most. I loved the last paragraph. Looking forward to more of it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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