Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 34…


Sometimes, nature forces us to slow down due to certain challenges that it throws our way and we are literally left in the waiting room.

While in the waiting room, it shouldn’t be seen as a drawback, but as an opportunity to decompress, to keep our eyes gazing up at the stars and yet our feet planted firmly in the present.

That would be a good time to have a bird-eye review, regroup and relaunch of that which you are projecting on.

I call it the 3 R’s .

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

8 thoughts on “Midnight Motivations and Musings # 34…

    1. Thank you KL. It doesn’t pay us to keep looking at negativity. That simply leads to frustration like you pointed out and makes things worse. Let me use the opportunity to invite you to my bloggers brunch taking place this weekend Saturday to Sunday. The title of the invitation is It’s A Brunch Party. All you need to bring along is yourself, cookies or cakes or whatever you want us to taste and a sack of love 😉

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      1. Oh I love that Jacqueline! Is your brunch a regular event? I am actually going away on holiday on Saturday and do not know if I will be able to get any internet access once I am there :(, but I would truly have loved to have joined in. Can you reserve me a seat for next time? KL ❤

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