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Since I am living in a desert city, I will write my prompt based on being stranded on a deserted sea of sand.

The desert is a fascinating landscape yet it can be merciless in retribution. A sand storm can spring unannounced and those fine, endless sand can get into areas better left imagined.

Living here and driving by huge expanse of sand ever so often, makes me appreciate the flowing robes, ‘Thobe for the men and Jalabiya for women,’ that the Middle -Easterners wear as their national attire. It is not just a symbol of religion, but also derived over the ages as an attire of comfort and adaptability to their environment.

The blistering hot arid sands of the afternoon, quickly gives way to alarming freezing cold at nights that one must be well equipped to survive in the environment.

So, for me the five items would be:

  • A loose fitting robe, with flowing scarves, so that I can wear other things under to keep warm when needed, then use the scarf to keep out the fine sand that can get into eyes, the nostrils, the mouth, the ears, the underside and everywhere.
  • A huge flask of water to abate the thirst. Yes it’s arid and bone dry and who knows where the next oasis will be. Thirst and dehydration kills faster than not having food for days.
  • I will need my phone and charger with  full service so that I can use the GPS to find my way, to make a call for help and to listen to music.
  • Food, food, food, even if they are just dry dates and energy bars and tins of beans.
  • Now for this last part, I will cheat by sneaking in somethings: A desert tent and pillow, some good read and a convertible gas lamp which can be used to warm stuff, keep an eye out for the desert snakes and all sorts of vicious creatures. Maybe those their wicked looking curved blades might me handy for any marauding Berber.

Can I bring my husband? He can be quite handy you know 😉

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post Prompt Five Items.

9 thoughts on “DESERT STORM…

  1. You tickle me with your photography, Jackie. There you are, taking a pic of someone else taking a pic. You were right behind that man and the woman was seriously posing lol


  2. I’m sure he is handy! 😉 And I don’t blame you for cheating. Hey, if I have to be stranded AND I get to choose what I want, I’ll get the best! Thanks for sharing dearest! 🙂


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