Creative Writing · Friday Fiction in Five Sentences · Love · Photographs · Short Stories

The Basket Of Flowers…Friday Fiction In Five Sentences.


His palms got sweaty and his heart rate increased as he approached the door.

He has no idea what kind of reception he would receive, but he was willing to try.

He has loved her from their kindergarten days, from her little flouncy skirt and swinging ponytails to her grown svelte alluring confident self and sleek bob.

As the boy next door, he had watched the dates come and go from the sidelines, wishing he was the one; now it’s time to take a chance and knock.

Suze opens the door, a huge smile weaving on her face as his words stammered and stuttered along, she buried her nose in the beautiful bouquet of flowers, heaved a sigh of content and relief, ‘I thought that I would have to wait forever,’ she said.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

40 thoughts on “The Basket Of Flowers…Friday Fiction In Five Sentences.

  1. Awww, sounds like Suze was waiting for him to make a move all along. Sometimes you have to take a step and let the other person know “I like, I am interested,” because chances are he/she feels the same but stuck wondering and a bit doubtful like you.

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      1. Current plan in action! 😉 Thanks for the thought Jackie dearest 🙂 By the way, is it OK if I call you “Jackie?” I’ve been dying to for SO long now. But I want your permission 🙂

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I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..