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So Long To Thee…


I never ever say goodbyes,
Except when you’ve made a real good buy,
For whenever I say goodbye,
It always makes me want to cry.

It takes on such a finite note,
To memories sweet with tender quotes,
It kinda sticks right in my throat,
Which makes me choke when you board the boat.

Now, I prefer to say farewell,
Which makes my heart to really swell,
With thoughts of sweet affection tell,
And hope that things will go so well.

So long, farewell to thee I say,
For all who journey with me this way.
May your dwelling be in safe grace,
Until our paths cross again in this space.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Writing 101, Day 10 FAREWELL

33 thoughts on “So Long To Thee…

  1. I cannot believe I missed this earlier today (well, now it’s officially yesterday, since it’s 1:40 p.m.)!
    What a lovely, heartfelt poem this is, Jacqueline! You have just the right touch of light-hearted rhythm and rhyme and an underlying seriousness that makes your poem a delightful one. These lines were especially very telling and rang true to me:

    “It takes on such a finite note,
    To memories sweet with tender quotes,
    It kinda sticks right in my throat,
    Which makes me choke when you board the boat.”

    Hope to see you around some more, Jacqueline! It’s been a good ride here on Writing 101: Poetry on WordPress!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember one person in my past told me, “I do not say goodbye to you, I say see you later.” Time past and out of the blue, “goodbye” popped from said mouth, that was a sign of things to come, hehe. I can feel the heavy heart from your poem Jackie. [By the way, do you mind me alternating between Jackie and Jacqueline when I am speaking to you?]

    Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..