Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Musings · Poetry/Poems

The Truth As it is ðŸ˜„

In my mind,

I run like an African Gazelle,

filled with grace,

speed and style,

while in actual fact,

I am a robust Heifer,

trundling along,

with a rolling gait rump,

also filled with grace,

style and attitude,

to make up for the speed.

Go ahead! Have a chuckle at my expense.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

cartoon-funny-elephant-jump-exerciseImage Source: Indy Pendent Thinking

23 thoughts on “The Truth As it is ðŸ˜„

  1. I re-read “Was I Truly Guilty…” and cried again. There’s a line from a good American movie, “Remember the Titans”, that I’ve used as inspiration for myself and my loved ones, when life begins to grind us down: “Some times bad things happen, for no reason at all.” Forgive yourself, and let the healing begin, It will happen. I will pray for that, for you. Have a wonderful holiday season, dear Ms. J.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Here I feel both of you, I mean the elephant also fully understand what you have written in the Post “The Truth As it Is”.
    I appreciate your frankness and open mindedness.
    And the elephant is really using its brain right.
    This is the real state of everyone, but we act smart as if we jump all the time.
    The Truth as it is.
    My Salutations Jacqueline!

    Liked by 2 people

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..