Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Accumulated Points…Streams of consciousness Saturday.

I love accumulating points or funds in the kitty and watch it amount to something that’s useful later. I also have favourite things such as books that I tend to hold on to but over the past few years, due to our moves from Continent to Continent, I have learnt to minimise my pile by giving them out and the thing is that once I’ve given something away, I don’t miss it. socsbadge2016-17

A number of times, I have been privileged to use the points accumulated from my travel miles to purchase a treat for myself from the flight’s tempting catalogue without paying a dime extra and the feeling from such freebie is totally awesome 🙂

As a thrifty spender, I keep my eye’s peeled for great bargains on food stuff because a penny kept, is a penny saved and the accumulation of those pennies come in handy. On Friday I used the 50 Dirhams (14 dollars) bonus credit that I accumulated from previous purchases to buy 2 dozen oranges, some strawberries, mangoes and grapes; the fruits tasted extra good 😉

Naturally, it’s a challenge to accumulate anything because it takes time and patience to build up anything and this equally applies to the finer points of human relationships such as trust.

The only thing I don’t fancy accumulating is stress, anger and lest I forget ‘weight.’ 😉 I’d rather address an issue that’s getting on my nerves and move on rather than to keep ignoring it until it gets too much and all that accumulated emotion comes bursting out one fine day.

Such an approach of storing up negative emotions tends to lead to overreactions and it takes just mere minutes to tear down that which has been built over time.

Accumulation – SoCS

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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12 thoughts on “Accumulated Points…Streams of consciousness Saturday.

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..