Gratitude · Lifestyle

This Joyful Morning…

Walking, Meditating, Thinking, Reconnecting, Praise The Lord, Rejuvenating, Nature, Walk, In Spirit, Thankful

I walk with the gentle wind touching my skin, its crispness a delightful contrast to the heated breeze of weeks past,

with my face turned to the sun that glitters off the face of the waters like a thousand stars, I stare at the simpleness, the glorious beauty of everything.

The birds chirp away, cars zoom past mere meters away along the highway, and they seem to be in a different time zone,

the man with his clinking bicycle rides past whistling in tandem to the music in his mind and a barefoot man hurries past me, earthing himself and getting feet tanned, I chuckle to myself, it’s all good.

Full breaths of the briny fishy sea air I take in, my soul is grateful.
my low medidative instrumental shuffles on, no words yet the chords reach deep inside and curl themselves around my bones; they are soul food for a torn spirit; it gives me healing.

Help me to be a vessel of your peace Lord. Though my humanness gets in the way most times and makes me a poor example of your peace, those moments that I have inhaled and held your peace, I can’t even begin to explain the exquisite state that it leaves my senses – filled with the vibes that everything is going to be alright and yes, to the heart that believes, everything will be alright.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

The Daily Post

Easy Mornings…

I am a morning person, though there are some morning’s that have found me crawling out of my bed on the wrong side, all grumpy and Debby downer, but I always try to get a grip on my day before I sink into a miry bog of feeling down, ‘cos it’s so easy to spiral down faster than rising up.

I literally wake up with prayer on my mind and force of habit makes me peek out of the window first thing in the morning to see what the day looks like, then head to the bathroom to do the needful – blasting the bones awake under the shower has a way of perking up the spirit and I do this even when I know that I’m just going to take a brisk walk or lounge.

In easy steps, I enjoy music anytime of the day, but early in the mornings has a way of putting a bounce in my steps.


Morning – The Daily Post Photo Challenge

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

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Echos Of My Neighbourhood

City Walk – Echoes of my neighbourhood 27

On Thursday’s, I share pictures about ‘Echos of my Neighbourhood.

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple and you can find out more about it through this link.

The sweltering heat and blinding Sun keeps one from venturing out much during the day right now, but the great thing is that Dubai’s lifestyle is a bit different in that the city really comes alive at nights till the wee hours of the morning when the weather is just a tad cooler.

There’s living to be done and being cooped up indoors inside air-conditioned facilities doesn’t cut it always. I took a walk around City walk with the children, took them to Hub Zero to play a bit and having an ice-cream to cool off certainly helps 😉

City walk houses lots of haute couture boutiques, a promenade, cinema, restaurants, indoor theme games and lots more. A lovely place with quiet spots where you can sit, enjoy the ambience and watch passersby.

Seeing the Berlin wall expose through Lady Lee’s eyes is an education. How much do you know about this divisive structure of the past and how the citizens lived through such perilous times? This is worth a visit. Pamela took us to downtown Jacksonville, Florida with its budding art scene. This is just my kind of place to wander happily 🙂

So, when do we get to visit you? Now, don’t be shy and invite us over😉


Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

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“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath

Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

Flitting like a fly….


I always enjoy taking a brisk stroll
it always gives me a rejuvenating thrill.
An uplifting exercise that may go uphill
depending on the land it may go downhill.
It beats the huff and puffing on the treadmill
and popping all those odious pain kills.

It’s an opportunity to appreciate nature
the awesome work of the Great Creator.
To say hello to the neighbour
or take a peek at a new feature.
My stroll is never as the crow flies
with lots of curious detours, I flit like a fly.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha
Stroll, The Daily Post Prompt