Guest Posts

Meet my friend, The Candid, Vivacious and Smart Lady, Daisy.

Daisy’s refreshing posts filled with candour drew me to her. When you read them, the bubbly spirit of the soul behind the writing seeps out and she has a way of making me smile. She’s been a supportive presence in this space and I enjoy our witty banters.

Daisy dear, thank you for taking the time from your busy life to share more of you with us. I truly appreciate you and extend my warm regards.


Hi – I’m Daisy as I like to be called on my Blog. My real name can be  found on my website. I love the daisy because like it, I have felt like a weed most of my life and like the daisy when it turns its face to the sun it blooms. I liken myself to the Daisy because I am 100% imperfect. I’ve done terrible things, some amazing things too. I’m human.

Daisy 1

I have had a colourful life. I was born in South Africa and lived there until I was 18.

I am a French nationality, mixed with Russian and English and would liken myself to what I call ‘a pavement special’ or a mongrel. A good mix.

I have travelled a lot and lived in many different parts of the world. Miami, Marseille, Grenoble, England, Barcelona.


I am proud of my family. One of my aunts is from the Dominican Republic, another is Mexican and my cousin is married to a Chinese woman.

So, to say I was brought up in the Apartheid era, I can say that the government’s plan failed atrociously when it came to my family. Ha, Ha!

I love to socialise, write, connect, act, and write.

I am two months away from starting my Masters in Creative writing with the Open University. My aim is to become a creative writing specialist in the mental health sector.

Here is  a video of  me graduating  with my BA (Hons) in Art and humanities  in November 2015.

I do a lot of volunteering with different mental health charities. I love doing workshops to raise mental health awareness and reduce Stigma.

We all have mental health and are all subject to good and bad moments. I think people need to really wake up and face up to the fact that having mental health issues does not make you crazy.

It’s something I am passionate about.

I really love going to music gigs, festivals and the theatre, movies and I love drinking cocktails.

Unfortunately, I have not had much of a social life for the past 3 years – we were saving up for our wedding. This is my G and my beautiful daughter Bella Bee – (as I like to call her).

I love writing stage scripts. I think I have always been creative but I had a few issues and many people saw this vulnerability in me and I let people take advantage of me .

I started this blog because I am always up for a challenge. If someone tells me, I can’t do something or have something or someone even.  🙂 I have a damn good go at making it my goal to get it. I sound terrible. Yes, I can be but I do have a good heart. I wear mine on my sleeve.


It has taken me many years to realise I am a good person and not crazy or insane.  I displayed “crazy” symptoms at an early age. I got involved in drugs, bad eating habits – I grew up way too fast and people judged me for it. I hear about people I used to know going through similar problems only now in their own lives.

It’s so easy to judge.

An example. In a place where I lived, there was a person who happened to dress as a woman. I do not know if he wanted to be a woman or just enjoyed it. It wasn’t my problem. It wasn’t a problem to me at all. People used to make fun of him. Take his pictures and put them on social media websites. It’s deplorable. I found out a bit about his background and it turned out his mother wanted a daughter but got him instead and forced him to act and dress as a girl.

So, I am one of those people with a lot of passion and drive and will stand up for the issues I am passionate about.

I remember way back in 20008/09 – I had just come out of an 8-month stint in an Eating disorder clinic.


I signed up to do a degree in acting performance. My confidence was way down in the gutter. People didn’t know how to take me. I know I had moments where I went manic and went on benders and was most certainly not stable- some people did try and reach out to help. I didn’t even know how to help myself. I got into a bad relationship.

Think: black, blue, purples, and yellows.

Lots of drinking and over-dosing to escape my situation. Arguments. Sexual boundaries blurred.

I had an abortion.

I then had my daughter Bella Bee and when I finally left the relationship – I got punished for it.

Long story short, social services got involved – I was fighting my ex and a draconian system to prove I could look after my child with support and some life-style changes. After 16 months, I won.

So, yeah – I am no innocent but then again not many people are. I think what bothers me the most is people who pick out vulnerable people to cover up their own insecurities.

The amount of secrets people have confided in me then  make out as if I am less of a person because nobody knows their story. They are not my secrets to tell but don’t wonder why I react the way I do when someone I know acts like they have never done a wrong thing in their life and well…..Whatever, right.

Smell your own crap before pointing fingers at someone else. Some people are in a better place than others and others are  not.

Life changes all the time. Nothing is fixed. The wheel is always turning.

I think I am a good person. I do shitty things,  but mostly my heart is in the right place.

So , back to why I started this Blog. I was sick of whispers and finger pointing so I went public and said – I am this person who is awesome, has a life, a heart , a brain , goals –purpose and so what if I have mental health issues.

I was very passionate about sharing my experience of  a 12-week course I had done with a volunteer charity – the program is  called WRAP.


My WRAP  page:


One year later (end of September 2016 )  and I will have done the training to be a WRAP group co-facilitator:  ready to reveal and create a supportive and safe environment  for other  people to explore other ideas about how they might like to look at how they deal with their lives and issues.

I’ve been completely blown away by just the WordPress community. I can’t believe how much support and praise I get. I don’t get this from people I have known or even met in my life, yet a total stranger can read my story and read what I have to say and actually validate that, in a positive manner.

It has really given me a new perspective.

I used to think everything that went wrong was because of me.

That’s kind of egotistical –I mean –there is more than little old me in this world. I finally know that many people like to project their shit on to another person.  I am not saying I haven’t done some messed up things. I’m the first to put my hand up when I do wrong.

Blogging has helped me see people differently. I am learning where and who to invest my emotional energy on and who is not significant. This is an ongoing process.

In the real world and the blogging world.

I –uh –am active in the WP community. I get to know people. I am learning that sometimes, there are only so many times I can reach out and if I get no reciprocation then I have to move on. There are only 24 hours in a day and life is short. Life is be lived.

I have found better-coping mechanisms over the last few years. There is a part of me who is impulsive and does want and does go out and seek out my chosen vices.

These moments –gladly are becoming less and less frequent as I grow as a person.

Yeah, what you see is what you get. Ha ha.

I don’t know what post links to share. My blogging content has evolved massively. I even write poetry now. Which is something I  have never thought I could do  –  until a few months ago.

I’m very much a free flow writer… I don’t do a lot of prepping unless it is to do with writing a script or fiction but even them I think the less planning and the more doing is where the work and my  best ideas and creativity are found.

I have said so much already…..

What is a typical day like for me?

I have my daughter and my Husband. I am very close to my Mom and my two Grans. My Gran is in the last stages of Vascular Dementia, I try and support my Mom as much as I can, even though it breaks my heart to see what this illness has done to my Gran and to my Mom.

I Blog, a lot of time goes into volunteering. Soon that will include lots more work with me studying again.

I think it is good to keep busy. Idle hands and all that … ha, ha!

I have a first born who happens to be a Bengal – here is Miss Tatiana


I do normal stuff, really. Nothing terribly exciting.

I was turned  down for a writing job recently but I got some feedback so that helps.

In terms of what is next for me and Blogging or publishing something. I don’t know yet. I need to find some balance and time for myself too. I want to use my Blog in some way as a platform for what I do in volunteering, in the future, to help people.

I’ve published one short story (totally on impulse) at kindle. The First story of mine ever graded in uni and I was super proud.

Here is the link:

Yeah… Lame, right. I know I am on a good path, right now. I’m enjoying the journey. The destination is moving forwards and bettering my life.

As I grow as a person –my idea of what is the “perfect” life may change. Happiness is the main goal –

That is it really. I have gone on for quite a bit.

Thanks Jackie for giving me this opportunity to share a bit more of myself with others.

It always seems impossible when I think about doing something and then I start writing /typing or doing whatever it is and all of a sudden I am at the finish line. I look back and I go” How the hell  did get here? “

‘Always Look for the silver linings’ is one of my favourite quotes.

Below is a song I love to listen to when I feel despondent “Make believe by Nora Bayes.”

Many people tell me to become a life coach.

Ha ha! The skies the limit.

P.S: If you are interested in guest posting, send an email to

You are cordially invited to our monthly blog party happening right now. Join in through this link.



Health · Life · Social Issues

Sickle Cell Anaemia…


When I was a very young girl, my bosom childhood friend Nnenna * God rest her soul* had sickle cell.

In my mind I still recall day’s of visiting her with a bunch of other friends and watching as she wept in throes of pain.

We would rub and massage her muscles to help, try to make her laugh and a lot of times I would go home feeling burdened with questions and worry.

She was a very beautiful, bright, talented young lady and equally full of life. She never liked being segregated or made to feel different and now that I dwell a bit on these memories, I can’t even fathom how big a burden she bore.

Knowing a family that lived a few streets away from our house, lose their offspring one after the other from Sickle cell disease, definitely cemented the indelible marks that SCD made on my mind.

Today, thankfully, with modern science, life expectancy of sufferers is a bit longer than what it used to be, nonetheless, it is still a traumatizing disease.

To know a bit more about SCD, you can click on this link Sickle Cell Disease.

Personally, I love to support groups that are out there, selflessly seeking to improve the standard of living of human life.

Most times, when we hear the word support, we balk at the idea because we automatically think of big bucks.

Support can come in so many forms that may not involve parting with any form of money.

Support can be the giving of your time and helping hands.

Support can be by lending your voice to a worthy cause.

Support can equally be by just being there for someone who you know going through a rough patch. Knowing that you are there counts for a whole lot.

‘Remember that though you may not be there for everyone, you can be there for someone.’


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Family · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Life · Love · Personal story

In Many Ways, We Become Our Parents…

One of the voluntary days spent teaching children etiquette in a school in Lagos
One of the voluntary days spent teaching children etiquette at a school in Lagos

Except where parents are as mean as rattle snakes, during their formative years, most children look up to their parents as their heroes or role models without clay feet and worthy of emulating.

They soak in mannerisms, attitudes, lifestyle and a host of character moulding outlooks from those who have been placed in positions of authority as their custodians. This serves as a reminder that it is very needful to exercise diligent caution in writing positively all over the clean slate of life of these young ones whom we are responsible for.

Recently, I find myself gravitating towards a lot of things that my parents used to do and those that they inculcated in me in years that I hardly knew anything.

I catch myself these days, repeating certain statements that my mother makes.

The wise adages and idioms which laced my fathers enunciation’s line my speech and thoughts every other day.Your children

Asides from working for the University until they both retired, they both dabbled into so many other things such as side businesses, farming, arts and craft etc. and I can proudly say that maybe I did inherit some art skills and entrepreneurial abilities from them.

Though it seems I haven’t been a successful green-fingers like my dad. I think my lack of success has been out of sheer laziness. Plants thrived under dad’s fingers, but in my own case, I have been more inclined in putting in the plant into the soil, watering  and whispering to it a few times, then with a pat on the head, I stroll along, expecting the sapling to know what to do and to thrive. Of course the poor young sapling either strives to thrive or dies trying :/

Career wise, I did dabble into working in a school environment for a while but it didn’t hold my interest for too long. I reverted to volunteering my time to school work.

My mother told us a lot of stories when we were growing up and since we have long flown the coop, she currently enjoys the pleasure of volunteering her story moulding services regularly to the children’s church and it is always impressive to see how these children hang on to her and adore her. They call her mummy ever so often that I even feel twinges of jealousy occasionally.

I think I must have acquired storytelling genes from her.

I cannot recollect making conscious decisions to follow in their footsteps, but I catch myself sliding in directions that they have taken and it does make me ponder for a moment….maybe, I am becoming my parents. Who knows, I may still become a plant-whisperer as the days go by. Not a bad feeling at all is it? 🙂

In response to NaBloPoMo prompt – Wednesday, November 4

When you were a kid, did you want to have the same job or a different job than your parents when you grew up?