Social critic

Just A Thought

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Today, we live in a culture where we horde Instagram followers, Twitter followers, YouTube Followers, Facebook likers, etc. It does seem as if the perception of our real lives being anything less than perfect has become a daunting notion for most.

The glossy instagrammizing and Facebookification of our lives can create a dangerous facade of success that harms those who fall prey to such peripheral endorsements.

Someone I know well has been telling fibs on Facebook about their lives. Hmm! :/

Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Keep it cool. Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge

Well, well, this week’s haiku prompt ‘Blow & Please’ simply made me think of all the recent politically stirred madness going on out there.

Let’s keep calm people, these trying times will surely pass.

Image result for images of an exploding mind

Please, keep calm, don’t blow your lid,

for a broken, sick mind

is certainly not that easy to repair.

A dictator has lost his senses

please, fetch the doctor

before he blows us all up.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


We all can do something about this!

The poisoning of minds takes effort and is propagated by people. I believe that part of fighting radicalism rests on all of us as a people.

We can help arrest these issues through constructive community and individual actions.

For instance, Social media platforms such as YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter etc can do more to stop the propagation of hateful, inciting religious messages targeted at recruiting people for hate and terrorist crimes.

This should be an act in the greater interest of humanity as part of their Community Social Responsibility.

Please do your part and share such message. Tweet it, FaceBook it…just share.  It’s up to us to act.

Together we are stronger.

#acttogetherforhumanity, #communityresponsibility, #stopradicalism, #togetherwearestronger, #Nice, #wecandothis

May Grace be upon Nice and its citizens.

Thank you.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha



Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivation and Musings 83


In today’s World where the spirit of entitlement seems to have pervaded the fabric of society, we tend to find people are becoming more and more self-centred in their needs.

Yet, the selfish tendencies haven’t made anyone happier.

As a matter of fact, with all the concerted and misunderstood love of self, ‘my way or no way,’ society is by far, more ill and miserable than ever.

The concept of self-love now translates into whatever makes someone happy, it doesn’t matter who gets run over.

Sometimes, you wonder what happened to courtesy, hard work, self-respect, neighbourliness and regards for others.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Never leave me lonely on these shores

Where no one knows me

Where I stare at strange forms

Trying to find you somewhere there in their midst.