Devotions · Gratitude · Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Lifestyle

A Wellspring…

Just a few weeks ago, it was Christmas, then New Year and now January 2016 has come an end. It’s gone forever. We can only witness future January’s of other years, but never the last one.1454425406714[1]

January took some famous and acclaimed personalities with it, as well as so many other souls, but a whole lot of us are blessed to be well and see another new month cycle in.

That just keeps drawing the transient state of our lives home, that we truly have to spend our days living our best lives now and being happy with it.

As we pursue our dreams and aspirations with tenacity, buoyed with the desire to achieve a whole lot of different things, I am thankful for having had the Grace to stay on course with a good number of things that I set to do.

I am grateful that I have not lost the courage or the zeal to keep pushing along, because it is really so easy to get derailed with the little things that life throws in our path.

I am grateful for the stream of ideas that keeps coming to me and the strength to see them through. Sometimes, the wellspring of inspiration and creativity can run dry, leaving one grasping, so, for me, it is indeed a privilege thus far, to have a fountain that bubbles with inspiration.

I am grateful that for the first time in months, the aches and pains that plagued me has receded quite a bit and I can pencil this down to the consistent little exercising that I have been doing.

I feel a lot more limber and thankful for that. Sometimes, the discomfort of my Myalgia that I have in my back would keep me uncomfortable and awake at nights.

Living in a state of thankfulness, keeps the elusive Unicorn of Happiness close by. That way, you get to ride on it often enough.

Welcome to a new month of abundant blessings and inspiration. Never forget that the little seed of gratitude that you sow, grows into a bountiful harvest for your thanksgiving.

You can join Colline’s  or Maria Jansson gratitude challenge platforms.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Five Sentence Inspiration · Lifestyle · My Thinking Corner · Quotes For You · Success

Tuesdays Trickles 6…My Thinking Corner.

Every Tuesday, I share snippets of thoughts that I call ‘My Thinking Corner.’

I would like to invite you to participate. The challenge is quite simple.

Each Tuesday, share your very short snippets of positive, inspiring, motivating, health, spiritual, writing advice, clips, posts etc, that can serve as a prop to motivate others and simply add my link to your post.

I call it my thinking corner because, I actually take out a bit of time just to think through things, encapsulate my thoughts as much as possible and detoxify my mind.

It might work for you in a different way, but the idea is to get the positive thoughts flowing.

Please send in your little thoughts. You never know whose life you might inspire.



  • The single truth that we tell ourselves is a million times better than the half-truths that we are told by a dozen.
  • Hope is that last little flicker in the rubble of our burnt ashes. When you stoke the embers sufficiently, the flames will come alive.
  • Our dreams can never be the same neither will our journey. You must dream your dreams and not wait for hand-me- downs.
  • An empty heart will never have anything to give. Fill it with good things and it will overflow naturally.
  • Once that little voice in a mind asks, is this all there is? Then, there must be more to be done and we should be on the quest for that more.

Here Are Last Week’s Thinking Corner Thinkers 🙂

Small Choices. Rosema of Reading Writers little nuggets in brief.

The gift called today from Oba of the King’s Oracle fills me with beautiful thoughts.

Tuesday’s thoughts by Bisi of Femininematerz connects the dots of rising to the skill of your art.

Deep thoughts of Trickles and Tears from Diane of Ladies who lunch reviews.

Persevere. These very few words from simply me speaks very loud and clear.

Let’s hear your thoughts, quotes, advice et al.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha