Family · Guide To Better Living · Lifestyle

…And I Slept Off…


Whatever is it about being out in nature that makes me doze off on my mat after a brief while is a great thing. Does  this happen to you?

Going to the park with the children is pure bliss for me and whilst they frolic, I read and simply doze off to the divine sound of birds chirping, doves cooing, sounds of children’s chatter and laughter…and I wake up feeling renewed, refreshed and full of pleasure and gratitude.

I’m already missing this. The infernal heat of the UAE is slowly creeping up on us. By March, the Sun will turn on its rays in full blast. Anyways, let me get every last dose of natures bounty before it presses the pause button.

I even record the sounds – I have one as long as 20 minutes – to enjoy in the forthcoming months of dryness and heat.

What’s your pleasure?

Health · Lifestyle · Wellness

Stock Your Kitchen with These Medicinal Foods

Health Food, Natures healing spices, Kitchen, Lifestyle

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You’ve probably heard a few people say that food is medicine in your time, and you know what? They were absolutely right. If you want to live a long, happy and healthy life, you absolutely do need to eat the right foods in the right amounts.

Obviously, there is always going to be a place for proper medicine and the use of pharmaceuticals, and a lot of people wouldn’t be able to get by without wheelchairs, bandages, CPAP Machines and some of the other medical supplies you’ll find at, but when it comes to preventing illness and helping to heal from simple ailments, food can be pretty powerful!

Here are some of the most medicinal foods you should consider stocking your kitchen with right now:


This delicious herb, which goes great with spaghetti bolognese, is known to aid individuals suffering from the discomfort of indigestion and stomach cramps and many people believe it can help with constipation too, which I’m sure you’ll agree are all good reasons to stock it in your herb rack!


Ginger is a popular root, which you can find in many kitchens, in either its natural or powdered form due to it’s strong, exotic taste, but did you know that it can help relieve nausea? Many pregnant women drink ginger tea or chew on crystallized ginger when they have morning sickness that isn’t serious enough to require medical attention. You can use it to relieve nausea at any time, and there is a good chance that it will work.Of course, if your nausea is persistent, you should see a doctor because ginger might not cut it if you’re experiencing something more serious.

Cayenne Pepper

Have a lot of phlegm in your throat? Finding it hard to breathe with ease, if you haven’t got the time to wait for a delivery of decongestant from or you can’t get out to the store to buy something that will bring you relief, you’ll be glad to have a jar of cayenne pepper to hand. Why? Because cayenne pepper, or more accurately the capsicum it contains, will clear everything out and make you feel like a whole new person.

Capsicum, when applied in a topical treatment to aches and pains, including backache, can also have a very relieving effect on the body.


Healthy foods, natures bounty, lifestyle, healing

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There are lots of promising research papers that seem to suggest that cinnamon could help to lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in individuals who have diabetes. All you need to do is sprinkle half a teaspoon of the spice on your food daily to get this benefit. Obviously, if you have diabetes, you need to talk to your doctor before you try anything different or start meddling with your diet, and the science is, as yet, far from conclusive, but cinnamon is safe and delicious, so it couldn’t hurt to sprinkle it on your oats or bake some into your apple pie, could it?


This pungent allium has long been known to have medicinal properties. Even registered MDs will quite often mention to their patients the benefits of taking garlic daily id they have high blood pressure, because of its ability to lower it, and most people will know that eating garlic when you have a cold can help to sort you right out, which is why it’s imminently sensible to keep a stock of garlic in your kitchen at all times.


It has long been known that chewing on fennel seeds, which taste a little like aniseed, is a good way to get rid of trapped gas. Not only that but drinking fennel tea will aid with digestion if you have an upset stomach and some women swear by it when they’re having trouble bringing on breast milk to feed their babies. It may also help babies who have colic too!


Turmeric, Natures bounty, healthy foods, spices

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There is lots of interesting research into this yellow curry spice which claims it can do everything from preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s to ease arthritis and even protect the body from cancer, and although a lot more research needs to be done to confirm any of these claims, the fact that scientists think there is enough in them to be worth studying makes it a food worth adding into your daily diet.

Please Remember, you should always consult your doctor before making changes to your diet, especially if you’re sick in any way, and your doctor should always be your first port of call if you’re experiencing serious symptoms or symptoms that you can’t shake. That being said, using these foods as medicine, is sure to make your life easier and your body better!