Gratitude · Lifestyle

This Joyful Morning…

Walking, Meditating, Thinking, Reconnecting, Praise The Lord, Rejuvenating, Nature, Walk, In Spirit, Thankful

I walk with the gentle wind touching my skin, its crispness a delightful contrast to the heated breeze of weeks past,

with my face turned to the sun that glitters off the face of the waters like a thousand stars, I stare at the simpleness, the glorious beauty of everything.

The birds chirp away, cars zoom past mere meters away along the highway, and they seem to be in a different time zone,

the man with his clinking bicycle rides past whistling in tandem to the music in his mind and a barefoot man hurries past me, earthing himself and getting feet tanned, I chuckle to myself, it’s all good.

Full breaths of the briny fishy sea air I take in, my soul is grateful.
my low medidative instrumental shuffles on, no words yet the chords reach deep inside and curl themselves around my bones; they are soul food for a torn spirit; it gives me healing.

Help me to be a vessel of your peace Lord. Though my humanness gets in the way most times and makes me a poor example of your peace, those moments that I have inhaled and held your peace, I can’t even begin to explain the exquisite state that it leaves my senses – filled with the vibes that everything is going to be alright and yes, to the heart that believes, everything will be alright.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Family · Humor - Bellyful of laughter · Inspiration - Motivation · Personal story · The Daily Post · Tips for the day · Weave that Dream · Writing

If I Teach You Something, Will You Reciprocate?…

There are things that I do often and quite enjoy doing. A lot of these things are physical and some are not.1448552289124[1]

I cook every day to keep myself and my family well nourished. One of the dishes that features in most West African homes is Jollof Rice. Maybe, some day, I will share the secrets of Jollof with you 🙂

I dance a lot too. Not the gymnastic, acrobatic tumbling all over the place, but I dance virtually everyday to the tunes of my music of the moment. However, I guess except I turn to you-tubing, I may not be able to teach you much about my dancing.

I write ever so often. I don’t bother tallying the amount of time that I spend penning something because writing to me is akin to breathing, laughing, reflecting and crying through my fingers.

I have been known to write on serviettes or tiny bits of receipts to catch that fleeting thought – and you need to see me on the days that I am scrambling through my bag trying to find that little piece of tissue on which I wrote something 😉

I actively search out ways to maintain a balance of my inner peace of mind in a chaotic life.

I am not a religious fanatic, but I am unapologetically a Christian.

At most times, I am a peaceful, humorous, friendly, loving and hopefully a kind human.

Let me share with you the little things that I do to create peace within and around. Maybe, we share somethings in common:

  • I dwell on positive thoughts – even if it is just one thought that I meditate on each day.
  • Walking or finding an hour to exercise either very early or much later in the day. It clears the cobwebs in the head and helps my health as well as the waist line 😉
  • Those thoughts that bug me, I write them down and them take time to tear the piece of paper into bits. Its a way of releasing and letting go for me.
  • Sometimes, wacky it may seem, I go into the bathroom, face the mirror and just speak my mind, make faces …
  • I say my mind if someone has hurt me and I move on. I let go of grudges as quickly as before I go to sleep.
  • I am always quick to apologize if need be. No need aggravating and dragging an issue that can be quickly nipped in the bud.
  • I doodle, draw and reflect as I draw. The doodle in the picture was my last work done two days ago.
  • Writing happy stuff.
  • Searching out amusing things to read or watch and laughing out real loud. I like people who can make me laugh.
  • Having a date with myself at least once a week. It could be going to the park, spa, museum or as simple as a cafe alone.
  • Rest when I am tired (still working on this though, because sometimes other events overtake my intentions).
  • Honesty is a key in life that I don’t compromise on and practice. Especially in my relationships.
  • Talking to people and not just family and friends. Total strangers too.
  • Minimized drastically the amount of time spent watching TV.
  • Keeping away as much as possible from negative and toxic conversations.
  • Working consistently towards my passion and financial goals.
  • Avoiding the spirit of envy and jealousy as much as possible and giving myself a hard telling off once I see the green eyed monster rearing it’s ugly head.
  • Accept those things that cannot change and leave bad memories in the past where they belong.
  • Learning to be more patient and tolerant with family, friends and everyone else.
  • Trying to focus my mind on what needs to be achieved at the moment and living in the moment and  keeping it as simple as possible.

These things translate to my inner peace which leads to external peace. What one does not have they cannot give.

So what will you teach me today? I am listening 🙂

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

The Daily Post prompt Teach your bloggers well.

We all know how to do something well — write a post that teaches readers how to do something you know and/or love to do.