Personal · Poetry/Poems · This Is My Life

I became one of those who disappeared…

I became one of those who disappeared…
diving into the belly of disjointed thoughts
malaise, discontent and limbo

I became one of those who disappeared
my voice broken and rusty
like an old unused tap on an abandoned site

I became one of those who disappeared
saving all my energy for survival
battling existential crisis

I became one of those who disappeared…
from out of the deep a voice called
head raised, I stare into the sun

it’s not yet over…

© Jacqueline 2019

Image credit – Pixabay

Poetry Cards · Self Help · Wellness

When Lost Don’t Panic…7 Simple Tips To Find Yourself When Lost.

Marking, Path, Direction

When lost don’t panic,

just leave little marks of hope on your path


they will lead you home.



There are times that we feel overwhelmingly lost, but this doesn’t mean that your life is doomed. It spells a transition and transformation. The key is not to get stuck in your current rut, but to tap into your hopeful and creative power to redirect your steps back to the life and you that you love.

Apply these 7 simple tips as often as you need to help yourself out of that state.

1. Listen. 

With the frenetic lifestyle that we live and the persistent mind chatter, it’s easy to drown out those signs that speak to us, which is why it’s important to create silence and listen. Life offers us divine messages through various means – songs, billboards, books, nature, the people we meet etc. When we keep our eye’s and minds open we receive guidance and take notice of more.

2. Always remember that the choices are yours. You have the power to be and to do that which you desire.

You get to choose how you feel, what you think, what you do etc. You are empowered to create the life you wish for and it’s important to focus on the positive things around you. The power of attraction makes it such that the Universe will send you more of the same things that you seek.

3. Go and do those things that you love to do. Have an adventure.

Toss out the excuses of no time, no money, no this and that and create the space to do those fun things that make your heart sing. Go out and explore your world – a retreat, solitary walks, a day trip etc. Taking yourself away from your regular patch and its noise offers you opportunities to experience life through fresh eyes.

4. Extend yourself beyond your comfort zone.

Growth will not happen when you stay confined in that comfortable, familiar bubble of yours. Challenge yourself to do new things that invigorate you.

5. Reconnect with your dreams and aspirations. Expand your coast and dream bigger.

What dreams did you have for your life before you deemed them impossible to achieve or they fell through the cracks of a frantic lifestyle?  Revisit those dreams. Write them out and enjoy floating in your dreamland. Reconnecting with your dreams has a way of opening up your mind and floodgate of inspiration.

6. Live a healthy lifestyle, have an adventure

When you are healthier, you feel better in general. Eating right with regular exercises rewards you with a clearer mind.

7. Ask for help

You don’t have to stay stuck in the jam trying to figure it out all on your own. Reach out and ask for help, because sometimes a mere chat with someone you trust can ease the burden and provide great insight that will help you move forward.


Mundane Monday

Forgotten Blade… Mundane Monday

Mundane Monday challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple. Find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.

Roller Blades, Pink, Photograph

I wonder what happened to the other blade? The little owner obviously didn’t quite want them again or simply misplaced it. I guess her mother gave her ears some talking to?

Mundane Monday

Losing Them, Finding Them – Mundane Monday

Mundane Monday Challenge is created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple. Find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.


I had my mind set on another photo for today’s mundane Monday, but after the run around my car keys gave me, I felt they deserved a worthy mention this morning.

I had absentmindedly dropped the keys on the settee when I got home instead of hanging them on the hook where we keep keys and it decided to hide in the crevice of the cushions.

Phew! I had to search all my handbags and odd places, went downstairs to check if the car was still there ;-0 , retraced my steps, conversation, and actions before finally finding the dodgy thing. These are no simple keys! They have the power to detain you and make you stew a bit.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Short Stories

A Dog’s Desire.

Max looked longingly at the road. He wanted to be free to run around as he liked but unfortunately, he and Buddy were totally grounded in the yard and he wondered when they will be out on probation.

He had known that it was a bad idea to sneak off to go chase those foxy pooches of the neighbourhood, but he had been unable to resist those big soulful brown eyes of Molly and the swaying swag that Daisy had when she had trotted past him the last time they met at the park.

He had sensed that she was sending out signals, and how could a Dog worth his salt resist such nature’s call to do his best in ensuring that their doggy lineage is kept going strong.

Their human mother was quite mad at the fright and worry that they had caused her by their disappearance and she had thoroughly chastised them about how lucky they were to have been found before a bad person had found them.

He and Buddy tried to explain to her why they had  gone off on an adventure, but it seemed that she failed to understand.

Max calculated on how he could express his desires to Molly and maybe persuade her to stay still the next time.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Thank you Yinglan,  for the photo and Priceless Joy for hosting this charming platform where we unleash our stories:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath


Short Stories


Excited voice of the children drew Salome’s attention and before she could say hey presto, they burst into the kitchen trailing mud and straw. They were running after the chickens again for fun. Raising her voice to scold them for bringing in dirt, little Jude interrupted her:

“Look what we found Gramma,” he was clutching a strange straw bag.

“Leave it there and let me finish what I’m doing,” thinking it was probably filled with mushrooms or a frog, she continued plucking the cockerel for chicken stew, but their eager faces made her pause to take a peek.

A dumbfounded Salome burst into tears and laughter when she emptied the contents of the bag.

They kids had knocked Bernard’s scarecrow over and in a bid to piece it together, they found the straw bag.

Her late husband Bernard had been a dear man and many times the funny looking scarecrow made her smile in recollection of how much he had been drawn to it as his Dementia got worse.

She had no idea he had hidden lots of coins and forgot where he kept it.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha


Thank you, Louise,  for the photo and Priceless Joy for hosting this charming platform where we unleash our stories:-)

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Stars, Five Stars, Logo, Icon, Symbol, Five, Rating

A Richly Layered and Passionate Read. Jan Cliff

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works, you can fuel my creativity with a cup of coffee or a slice of cake😉