Frivolous Friday · Uncategorized

Friday Euphoria…

Friday arrives here in the UAE and we all feel – I guess most, a sense of relief, elation and excitement especially as most places, except privately owned businesses literally shut their doors earlier for Masjid and an early start of the weekend. Of course for the Emirates of Sharjah, that sense of elation arrives on Thursday as they now practically operate a 4-day work week and 3 days of weekend which is particularly enjoyed by those in government establishments and schools.

I think the 4 day work week is truly great and much better way of creating more work-life balance, and I daresay it is likely that those who are enjoying this extra day of weekend perk are far more productive than those of us who have to reluctantly hightail it to work on Friday for just a couple of hours which is largely spent around the coffee machine.

There’s this psychological button in my brain that the thought of Friday switched on. It signals to me a whole 2 and half days of simply unwinding and minding my personal affairs. A time to put the alarm clock at bay and to try to snooze a bit deeper though my body clock has more or less set itself and wakes up despite my best intentions to get more delicate snores in.

Fridays through the weekends make me feel like I have a bit more life to live and not just the constant survival rat race. I am still trying hard to find my Eureka moment and a magical wand that will crack that code that pushes me to enlightenment, unprecedented breakthroughs, abundance and growth and to subdue the feeling of gravity pulling me down into the abyss of constant strive to stay afloat and not drown in the sea of bills and just these extra hours off gives me a sense that ‘I will get there soon.’

I suppose I have grown so used to the universal staple diet of Saturday/Sunday weekends that they don’t feel as euphoric as a Friday half-working day. Friday has slowly become for me, not only a day that I let down my hair and put on my dancing shoes – sometimes only in my mind – but also a day that leads to a much need soul-satisfying me time.

What do Friday’s look like in your neck of the woods?

Blogging · Writing

When the sun sets…

When the sun sets, it naturally reminds me not only of the end of a day, but the promise of a new dawn and I love them. Back in my home country Nigeria, we used to have very gorgeous sunsets especially where we lived, which was nice sleepy town located around the hills of Enugu.

However, living in these parts, it gets too hot in this horizon of the UAE that most times, I find myself running away from the sun instead of running towards the sunset.

Occasionally, I have stumbled across a lovely sunset here, unfortunately, I don’t think that I have ever managed to capture a great photograph of it.

The best that I have seen so far was around Jumeirah beach, close to the Burj Al Arab and it was truly beautiful.

Who knows, hopefully I’ll get to see another truly remarkable one before I venture away from these parts.

p.s. I finally concluded the bloganuary. So slowly but surely and I have enjoyed it immensely. I has helped me reignite the need to write/blog more frequently. Hope to see you around.

Blogging · Dubai · WordPress

The power of communication…

For the fact that I currently live in the UAE and the official language of communication here is Arabic lanaguage, I wish that I can speak this language fluently to ease communication and understanding in spaces where the language is being spoken.

Photo by Adam Sabljakoviu0107 on

Asides from my native language and the local parlance back in Nigeria, I am also bilingual (English/French), but a whole lot of people over here barely understand or speak English or French, so, at times it is a struggle for one to explain themselves properly due to the communication barrier. Of course, one must never lose sight of the fact that for them, English/French are borrowed languages and not their mother language. There are also many who communicate effectively as well in either language and somehow we manage to get by.

I truly wish that I had applied myself more in acquiring a good command of Arabic language as it would be an advantage in many ways. I admire people who can speak multiple languages and maybe, this is a gentle reminder for me to make the necessary attempt and stop finding irrelevant excuses.

Dubai · Echos Of My Neighbourhood · Nature

Tremors Here and There…

Sunday started as normal – or so it seemed – till around 4.30pm when our corner of the world got rocked a bit at its core. I was driving son 2 home around 4/4.15pm when I felt a few seconds of sudden vibration and had to grip my steering wheel tighter, slowed down – though I wasn’t even driving that fast – and before I could figure out whether the dodgy upliftment could be penciled down to too many cups of coffee taken earlier in the day to ward of sleep or the insufficient sleep the previous night. During this brief experience, son 2 was fast asleep beside me, oblivious and probably thought he was being rocked gently to sleep.

Approaching our street a few minutes later, the first thing that struck me was the sheer number of people who stood outside respective towers on both sides of the street. Some were gathered in little groups having animated conversations, some stood silently alone looking up, down and around. My first thoughts as I literally brought my car to a crawl were: ‘there must have been an accident’ but a quick scan showed the absence of police cars, ambulance or anything of the sort. Maybe a tower is on fire, I thought. Yet again, a quick scan did not reveal billowing smokes from a fire nor any fire truck in the vicinity.

I pulled to a stop in front of our building and for the first time in forever, many parking lots stood empty. I had lots of spaces to choose from. A rarity in this area despite the fact that it cost 2 dirhams to park a vehicle for an hour. I had pre-informed son 1 to come downstairs and meet me so that he could accompany me for a quick trip to sort out some stuff (call me a cheapskate; though I will say I am being thrifty), the essence of taking him along is so that he can wait in the vehicle while I made a quick dash to do the things I needed to do without having to pay for a parking space for an errand that would be completed under 30 minutes.

When son 1 came down, I asked him if he knew why there was so much hustle and bustle of folks, he told me how the house literally shook for a good 30 to 40 seconds barely half an hour ago. Earthquake! My heart started beating faster. I called my apartment and instructed daughter of mine to make her way down immediately and join us. She is always as cool as cucumber but this panicked mother was not about to drive off without all her children in her company – I have only 3 as it is. She narrated her own version of the quake which had made her feel dizzy for about a minute and she had thought it was all in her head until son 1 confirmed that indeed the house had trembled.

As we drove to run errands, from one street to the next people were in clusters discussing their experience. You could see the worried lines etched on people’s faces. I noticed the total absence of laughter. You could feel the air palpate with bated energy of ‘let’s wait and see.’ No one was sure if that was just a ripple to announce bigger ripples or if that was all. Old movie images of houses crumbling like a pack of cards flashed through my mind, but thankfully, we ain’t dying just yet. It took a little more time before people felt confident enough to go back into their high-rise apartments albeit with airs of unquestionable concern.

Unannounced. Unexpected. That is life and its transient state for you. One minute you think everything is fine and dandy and the next minute things happen and things fall apart. Occurrences like this remind you of how small you are in the larger scheme of things and how much we are not truly in control of anything in life. It reminds one how mortal you are and how no minute in life is guaranteed to us. No matter how we plan, no matter how much we know, the future can never be ordered like a band of soldiers. Still, we as striving humans our effervescent need to be in control and to create possibilities cannot be ignored. Thankfully, these were only tremors.


Shifting Space…

Moving house sucks, if I may say so. We’re moving to a new apartment and it’s thrown me for a loop.

I always promise myself to live a far more minimalist and spartan life and not to acquire unnecessary stuff especially given that I have spent a great part of my adult cum married life playing tag-a-long spouse – moving Continents and houses, but my promise always falls apart given that I have a Magpie for a husband who loves acquiring and holding onto shiny stuff 😉

My internet has been down for several days as well and since I could no longer take it ‘cos I was slowly losing my mind amidst the boxes of this and that, I just had to take a quick drive to the library to check my blog, natter a bit online and regain some sanity.

See you soon.