The Daily Post · Uncategorized

Would YOU?

Would you lend a hand

To help those hands

Hanging out of the pits

reaching for someone

anyone to help and give a tug.


Would you lend an ear

to help listen to that sad soul

who needs a simple shoulder

just to lean for a bit.

narrow or broad, any shoulder would do.


Would you lend a voice

to say no to violence

to help push a cause

that fosters human well-being

a common need for us all


Would you lend a dime or two

to help a brother break some bread

for not everyone that you see that begs

is really a lazy never-do-well.

Some fell on real hard times


Would you help to whisper a prayer

in the silent abode of your heart

for an ailing stranger

whom you know not

hoping that things will be for the best


What would you do to help

those painful eyes

those limp, bruised arms

those hungry souls

those voiceless ones


Would you silently help

or would you shift your eyes

pressing the phone aimlessly

in an attempt to appear busy.

and simply walk on by?


© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Help. The Daily Post


Love · Poetry/Poems · Quotes For You · Social Issues

The Feast…


With hungry eyes and gnarled knuckles,

He begged!

Please could you spare me something?

But they hurried along!

No one cared to look,

They were in a rush and too busy!


In abject poverty and clad in rags,

She groveled!

Hunger had punctured holes in her innards,

She cried out for help!

But no one cared to hear.

They were too ashamed to cast her a glance!


Flea bitten worn blankets,

Torn cartons for bed,

Under the stormy weather,

It’s bitterly cold!


Looking in at the warm and shiny windows,

Where laughter and food overflowed,

Into plates, leftovers to the trash,

Thrown away to go to waste!


He scurries over,

Digging for leftovers,

And a feast did he find.

With tears in his eyes,

As he gobbles grungy droppings,

That were several days over!


He is thankful for the offerings,

Shared with his stray companions,

A lame dog that no one wanted again,

And a one-eyed cat,

His companions at the garbage table!


Sir? Could you spare me a piece of bread? Please?

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Please don’t throw away food, someone out there is dying from hunger.

”If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”- Mother Theresa

”No one has ever become poor by giving.” – Anne Frank

”A heart that gives, gathers.” – Tao Te Ching


Jennifer at INK and QUILL has invited me to participate in 5 day photo story challenge.

Challenge Guidelines:

Post a picture each day, for five consecutive days. Attach a story to your image.

*can be fiction / non-fiction
*poem / short paragraph
*each day nominates another blogger

I invite Kay Morris, my fabulous blogger friend  , to join the photo story challenge. I look forward to reading from you if you choose to participate. Enjoy 🙂