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Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Narrow:  We can find beauty behind the prickly as well.

How much is too much? All those beautiful moments that passes in the blink of an eye. How do you hold on to them?

Domestic Diva: have you been to domestic diva’s abode yet? Why not peek in and say hello 🙂

Make the choice: What’s your choice going to be?

Peaceful Journey: Join Yvonne on an endless, peaceful journey to self-realization.

Do step in and show some love.

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‘We create a cohesive community when we come together. 

out-of-the-silent-breath 2

I hear the reverberations of the magic that’s hidden within.

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Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings 104


To draw a line between fear-based and love-based decisions can be daunting even when our choices are made out of love.

However, we can get better hold and clarity of our choices when we invest a little time in thinking over the basis of our decisions. Am I doing this because I am afraid? If I wasn’t afraid, would this still be my choice?

Try to get to that fearless place in your imagination and figure out those thoughts and decisions that still have energy and those that their fire has dwindled when the steam of anxiety/fear is taken out.

Choices made out of love and true conviction are far more enduring.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.


I absolutely love this book of poems. My favorites are “Love Rations” (for those who love to give the silent treatment) and “Beggars Supper” (which definitely pulls at the heart strings). Two thumbs up!!

Out of the silent breath

If you enjoy my works, you can fuel my creativity with a cup of coffee or a slice of cake 😉

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings #103

Inspiring others

Each awakening moment of our lives offers us two main choices.

A choice on how to  treat and relate to others and a choice on how to treat ourselves.

Think about it for a moment and you will realise that everything we do is centred on these two main player’s; ourselves and others.

I’ve found that a bid to make a positive impact on other people’s lives never leaves the giver empty handed. In caring for others, we inadvertently care for ourselves.

The rewards are life changing and sometimes beyond your expectations.

May the lamp that  you carry not only cast light on your path. Let its flickers offer some brightness to those you encounter on your way.



Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

“Beautiful Poetry of Life and Love.” Amanda

Out of the silent breath


Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings 94


Will I have the opportunity to live life a second time? I have no answer to that question, but I know that in this realm, you and I get only one chance and one life to live.

The constructive question that I keep asking myself as I journey along now, is am I living as I should? Am I living my life or am I letting life live me?

Am I in a position to take charge of a lot of things that goes on in my life knowing that a lot of my destiny lies in my hands?

What am I doing to put myself in that position?

Or, am I just willing to ride along and take whatever fate flings at me?

We’ve been given a free will to make daily choices and even though some choices may be out of our control, the bulk of it all truly rests on us.

Each day, the mindful thoughts, the conscientious actions that we take determines how our moments play out.

Blessed be.

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Guest Posts · Inspiration - Motivation · Life

The Compass Of Your Life..Guest post from Alicia James.

Vipassana, Yoga, Consciousness, Meditation, Practice


Permit me to say: Your life’s a product of your THOUGHTS that become BELIEFS, BELIEFS that become ACTIONS, and ACTIONS that form CHARACTER. That’s why sages advice against accommodating filth as a tenant in your mind because of it’s ability to transform into the landlord of your mind.

Sadly enough, a lot of us sail through life without a Life Compass. We either adopt a ” go with the wind” or “choose to have a one-dimensional view of life” mentality. Hence, my problem with people who conform to certain principles without questioning their existence. There’s a possibility that with changing trends, those principles have developed loopholes and are in need of modification. That’s a topic for another day.

Let me explain the beauty of your life. As individuals, we require a Life Compass and a Life Map to navigate through life successfully. Why? Maps were created as guides to unfamiliar territories explored by foreigners, eliminating the probability of getting lost along the way. Thank God for technology today, we have Google Maps and GPS systems.

“But it still doesn’t explain why I need a Life Map”. From birth to death, every stage in your life has a guide to ease your transition from one stage to the next. At every juncture, your Life Map serves as a guide to your final destination.

“Sounds like a Life Map’s all I need, why include a Life Compass”? Your Life Compass gives direction and intention to your life; it’s like a pen that fills the blank pages of your life. When you’re torn between making certain decisions, your Life Compass can guide you in making your choice. It will shock you to know that most of the confusion, guilt, lack of purpose and dissatisfaction we feel and experience in our life’s journey are caused by the absence of a Life Compass. Simply put, The Life Map serves as a guide; the Life Compass keeps you on the true path.

“Ok, I get the message, so how do I develop a Life Compass”?

Well, it’ll require lot’s of self-reflection (as cliché as it sounds) to enable you determine your Life Purpose and evaluate your Life Principles. For those that struggle with self-knowledge, this helps you connect with your inner self.

Understand that your Life Purpose is different from your Life Project. Your Life Purpose is not: ” To be the next Ben Carson” or “To find the cure for AIDS” that’s a Life Project you assigned to yourself. Your Life Purpose is the reason for your creation, what’s most important to you, successful

Your Life Purpose is the reason for your creation, what’s most important to you.A compass has four cardinal directions which in this case represents the four most important principles that guide your life. The most important of these four is your North Direction which is your Life Purpose. This serves as a reference point no matter where you’re headed in life. Therefore, this determines your other three directions.

A compass has four cardinal directions which in this case represents the four most important principles that guide your life. The most important of these four is your North Direction which is your Life Purpose. This serves as a reference point no matter where you’re headed in life. Therefore, this determines your other three directions.

The most important of these four is your North Direction which is your Life Purpose. This serves as a reference point no matter where you’re headed in life. Therefore, this determines your other three directions.

The beautiful thing about your Life Compass is that it’s not set in stone i.e a final representation of your life but it is the best reflection of your values and belief systems in the present moment. As you journey through life, you revisit it and modify it.

It may sound difficult and confusing right now. You probably don’t know how to start, that’s okay. The answers you seek are within you. No one can give them to you.

At the end of your life, how would you like your story to be told?

Alicia James


Hey there, I like to call myself as a delightful soul.
I am on a journey of self discovery and I enjoy blogging because it helps me connect with the world through my words as I share my thoughts and experiences as well as that of others

Alicia is a young budding blogger (a fine blend of a Niche Expert & Lifestyle blogger) with a lot of enthusiasm and inspiration. You can meet her at her blog Alicia James to get a better glimpse of her World.

Would you like to guest post or an interview? Feel free to contact me through my contact page or on email: JacquelineObyIkocha@gmail.com